Page 20 of Predator

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Pushing his shirt up, I see the wound has closed, and I collapse backwards. Exhausted and in agony, I crawl over to the girl again. Having to do this again makes me want to die.

“Hang on,” I whisper to her, grabbing the hand she reaches out to me. “Just…hang on.” Dizziness causes me to swoon as I haul myself up next to her.

Heart pounding, breathing rapidly, the dots of blackness are at the edge of my vision, and I know I’m minutes away from losing consciousness. “What’s happening?” she asks, tears in her eyes, looking pale as death.

Gripping her thigh, I tell her, “I’m going to pass out, so keep my hands on your leg. When the blood stops leaking, you can let me go.” She nods, and I glimpse the worry on her face as we both feel the effects of my healing.

I holler as the pain tears through me with the power of a freight train. My leg feels like it’s about to shatter, and I fight off the darkness trying to swallow me up until I know she’s out of the woods.

Her complexion looks a little better, and as I feel the muscle and bone tearing apart from the shot, I know she’ll be okay. The more pain I’m in, the quicker I can tell she’s healing.

My body drops from sheer exhaustion, but I keep my hands on her. Closing my eyes, I try to find Holy in my mind, but he’s on the periphery, not quite here but close enough that I can imagine he’s holding me in his arms again.

“Please, Holy, find me,” I whisper as the last of my vision goes dark, slipping off to the edge of consciousness and fighting to stay lucid. It’s a losing battle, I know, but for the sake of the girl and the protection I know she’s going to need, I have to try.

I have to…



Staring at the men around the room, I’m disheartened by the helpless looks in their eyes. Nobody knows what the fuck to do or where to find my girl. She’s lost in the ether, and the longer I stand here trying to figure out who the fuck took her, the angrier I become.

“Nothing,” I hiss. “We have absolutely nothing?”

Malice stands up, prepared to give me an outlet to release my rage. Fighting with my brother isn’t high on my list of to-dos, though. “We’re going to find her,” he reassures, his own anger brewing from years of masked rage.

Carmine quietly hangs up the phone and clears his throat. “That was Carter. His connection in Italy, Benito Torres, has kindly agreed to help by connecting us with a government agent who turns out to be the king of some small country. Asher McCall is on his way here from West Virginia. Apparently, the material is too sensitive to discuss over the phone.”

I know of Benito; anyone in the drug trade knows of the insane Italian who kills before he asks questions. The man is a force. One I admire. If he’s offering help, then I know things aren’t good.

“How long?” I ask. Waiting around isn’t my strong suit when Della is in the hands of madmen.

“This evening.” Nodding at Carmine, I move to leave. I need to get out of here, clear my head.

“Where you going, son?” My father stops me as I’m about to exit the office my brother and I primarily work out of now.

“I need to be in her space. I need to connect to her,” I respond, and the sad look in his eyes is almost more than I can bear.

“Go. We’ll call if there’s anything new here.” Thanking him, I head to Della’s.

For hours now, I’ve felt this…tickling in my brain, like…fuck, I don’t even know. But it’s important, and I have this gnawing need to be closer to her, in her space, so I can feel less like I failed her and more like I’m going to fucking save her.

Cowboy is in the driveway, pacing as I park, and it’s apparent from the look on his face, he’s as pissed as I am. For years, he’s been the one to watch her back, yet I’m the one who allowed her to be taken.

Despite being shot three times, I haven’t allowed it to slow me down. I can’t because if I do, it could mean Della’s death, and I refuse to allow that to happen to my woman. Not in this fucking lifetime.

“We’ve got a man who’s got a lead,” I tell him as I exit my car. “He’ll be at my place tonight. You coming?”

“Fuck yes, I’ll be there. The question is, why aren’t you there now?” He’s pissed with me, and I get it.

“Because her presence is here.” I give him a look, and he understands the power of what she can do.

“You think it could work?” His eyes flick up to the house.

“Gotta fucking try, man.” Handing him my phone, I say, “Come get me when they call.” He nods, and I head inside to find Carter screaming at someone in his office. I don’t have the time or energy for his outbursts, so I continue up to Della’s room.

Slipping in like a thief in the night, I silently close the door behind me and lean against it. Closing my eyes, I concentrate on breathing her in. I need this woman like air, and with her being snatched so viciously from me, I’m struggling.

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