Page 14 of Predator

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Our lust and desire take over, and in a minute, we’ll both be servants to our bodies. Fuck, I need to get her alone so we can explore where this might take us.

But first, I unzip my pants, tear her panties off, and settle my throbbing cock between her pussy lips, leisurely thrusting up and down, taking us both to heaven before we explode. “Fuck, Del, you’re going to burn me from the inside out,” I whisper in her ear when I come down from the high.

She whimpers as I continue to stroke her pussy with my dick, the tip grazing her swollen clit with each pass. “Look at us,” I command. Staring down our bodies, I see my release all over her taught stomach and begin to spread it into her body, smearing my essence across her tits and pussy before she can tell me not to.

“Holy.” She melts under my touch. “That feels amazing.” If she were a cat, she’d be purring for me right now.

“You’re so fucking beautiful.” Uncaring that I’ve got cum all over my hand, I grip her throat and take another kiss. Licking inside her mouth, I concentrate on what she feels like instead of how I make her feel, but it doesn’t last long, and we’re going at it like a couple of teenagers again.

Lost in our cocoon of lust and desire, I’m uncertain as to how many times I release on her body before we come up for air because we’re too sensitive for another round, and still, I haven’t entered her body yet.

“I want you to pack a bag for a few days. I’m taking you out of town.” Malice and I have a cabin in the mountains. We don’t use it nearly as often as we should, but it’s there for when we need it, and right now, Della needs a break from everything around her. “I’m going to talk to Carter, then we’ll run to my place, and we’re heading out of the city.” She opens her mouth to say something, but I clasp a hand over her lips to stop it. “No questions. Trust me. I’m going to take care of you.” She hesitates a moment before nodding.

“Good girl.” She bites her lip, and I’m also tempted to stay and nibble on it. Dragging myself away from her body, I swat her ass and tell her, “Get your stuff together and meet me downstairs.”

She nods and begins to move as I leave. I find Carter where I expect, in his office. “You’ve been up there for hours,” he growls.

Rolling my eyes, I respond, “Don’t worry, I didn’t do what you’re thinking. I am, however, taking her away for a few days.”

“I don’t fucking think so!” he shouts in protest, but his eyes are concerned. He knows she needs this.

“I am. Sean Smith won’t be an issue any longer, and if he is, he knows the consequences. Della is fragile right now. I don’t know what the fuck you said to her, but you need to get some shit figured out and find out if she’s yours or not because right now, she doesn’t think you want her.” He scrubs a hand down his face. “I think it has more to do with her mother abandoning her than anything, but knowing what she means to you will help.”

“How the fuck did this get so messed up?”

It’s a rhetorical question, but I answer him anyway. “Because life is fucking messy, man. Fix it.”

Hearing Della coming downstairs, I head towards her and grab her bag. “Go see him, Del. He loves you so fucking much.” She nods briefly before shuffling over to the man who raised her.

I watch as they talk quietly for a minute before he drags her in for a bear hug that makes her giggle, and I’m sure things will be better once we’re back in a few days.



Walking up to the home of the Cavanaughs and Sinclairs’, a sense of concern weighs down each step. I know this house and the people in it because of my friendship with CJ, but I’ve never been here as a girl interested in one of the boys.

It’s a different feeling, to be sure.

“Stop stressing,” Holy says with my hand in his. “Everyone loves you.”

“Yeah.” I can’t help the doubt as we walk inside.

“Della!” Jermaine Sinclair, Holy’s father, greets me with a huge smile and a warm hug that leaves me breathless. His genuine pleasure at seeing me hand-in-hand with his son makes me relax in his embrace.

“It’s so nice to see you, Jermaine.” I grew up with these two families, and I know they’re not traditional in the sense that to the outside world, they’re feared, but to us girls, we know we’re treasured.

“I hear Holy is taking you to the mountains; that will be quite the treat.” Holding my shoulders in his hands, he watches me carefully. Like he’s worried I’m going to fall apart.

“I’ve never been.” Squeezing Holy’s hand, he pulls me into his side and kisses my temple.

“You’ll love it,” he assures me. Being with this man means I’ll love anywhere we go. “We’ll see you in a few days, Pops.” With a nod, we head to the back of the house and down a wing I’ve never been to before. It was always just where Holy and Malice lived; we girls tended to steer clear of their space.

“I’ve never come this way before,” I whisperingly confess.

He looks back at me doubtfully. “CJ or Aura never snuck you down here?” I shake my head. “Interesting. They were constantly trying to get into our space; meanwhile, Malice just wanted to be in Odette’s.” That isn’t surprising.

“Where are they?” I ask, wondering about the new power couple of the city and if they still live here. Odette wasn’t very clear on that.

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