Page 45 of Torrid

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“You are almost at the ten-week mark, and typically, I see a mother before then. I have the ultrasound room set up, and I’m going to personally take you in there. I would like to check things out myself, and seeing as”—she glanced at Liam—“you are my patient due to your family connections, you will remain a priority.”

I looked at Liam, then back at the doctor. What did she mean, family connections? Was this someone he was related to, or was she referring to the family, as in the Mafia? I wasn’t going to ask—at least not here.

“You can change into the hospital gown in the room. I have one waiting on you. Mr. Walsh is welcome to join you, or he can wait here while you change.”

Liam was waiting on me to answer. Sure, he’d seen me naked, and his mouth had been on almost every part of my body, but things were different now. “I’d prefer to undress alone.”

Dr. Savoy nodded and stepped back to wave a hand toward the door. “I’ll take you to the ultrasound room, and then I’ll come back and get Mr. Walsh when it is time.”

I headed out the door without looking at him again.

Once I was undressed and in my open-back gown, I sat down on the table and waited. It was colder in here, and I had chill bumps break out on my arms and legs. Add that to the fact that I really needed to pee, and it was getting uncomfortable. There was a knock on the door, and then a moment later, Dr. Savoy stuck her head in.

“Ready?” she asked.

I nodded.

“I’ll go get Mr. Walsh,” she replied.

My nerves were building as I stared at the blank screen, where I assumed the ultrasound would be projected. What if something was wrong? What if there was no heartbeat? I hadn’t thought much about these things before now, but the longer I sat here, the more worked up over it I seemed to get. I hadn’t exactly wanted to get pregnant, but now that I was and I’d had time to grow attached to the idea of this baby, I wanted it.

The door opened, and in walked Dr. Savoy, followed by Liam.

I fisted my hands tightly in my lap. This was it. I’d know soon if everything was okay. She’d said I should have seen a doctor by now. What if my not coming in sooner harmed it in some way?

Closing my eyes, I took a deep breath.

“Everything’s fine, Liberty,” Dr. Savoy said, sensing my nerves. She patted my shoulder. “Lie back, and let’s get this started before you get any more worked up. Try and relax.” Her tone was gentle, and I focused on that, ignoring Liam’s presence in the room.

“It is very normal to be nervous. Even a seasoned mom of three comes in here with a mix of excitement and anxiety,” she assured me.

I nodded, lying back on the table.

The screen lit up, and she typed something in, then took a blanket and handed it to me. “Go ahead and cover yourself up. This is an internal probe since you are under twelve weeks pregnant. It gives us a better image. Your bladder should be full, and it isn’t that comfortable, but bear with me. It won’t be that long. Bend you knees and scoot toward me some.”

“Okay,” I replied, covering myself with the blanket, then bending my knees up like she’d instructed.

I watched the screen and tried to understand what I was seeing as the thing in her hand was inserted into me. She was right; it didn’t feel great, but it wasn’t painful. I had no idea what the picture was on the screen or how to tell what was the baby. I didn’t much care for them calling it a fetus.

A sound came from the screen, and I stilled, glancing from the doctor back to the screen. It was a fast thumping sound.

Dr. Savoy smiled. “That’s the heartbeat,” she said.

I hadn’t been prepared for the emotion that rushed into my chest as I sucked in a sob. Tears filled my eyes, making the screen blurry. The relief that came with that sound was overwhelming.

Dr. Savoy held out a tissue to me. I laughed and sniffled as I took it, then wiped at my face.

“Sorry,” I said, then laughed again.

“Don’t apologize. That is also a very normal reaction. It’s a relief the first time you hear it. And your little one has a strong one. One hundred fifty beats per minute, to be exact.”

Another small sob escaped me, followed by a laugh. A large warm hand slid over mine, and I stiffened, startled by the contact. I turned to look up at Liam as he stood beside me. His hand holding mine and his eyes fixed on the screen. I blinked and studied him. It was dark in here, but the light from the screen made his eyes appear glassy. The thought that he had gotten emotional only caused mine to fill with tears again as I turned to look back at the screen.

“Everything measures perfectly,” Dr. Savoy told us. She used an arrow across the screen. “That right there is your baby.”

I stared at it, trying to make it out but it was hard. The head I could see.

“This is the top of its head,” she said, “and these are its legs. It’s kicking away. Very active.”

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