Page 44 of Torrid

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“Yes,” I replied.

“Right this way,” she said, waving a hand for me to come through. “And you’re the father?”

Liam gave her a small grin and nodded. The nurse blushed, and she fluttered her lashes as she gave him a flirty smile. Great. He was going to flirt with the nurses. I did my best to ignore it. He was a sexy man. Women were gonna look, and he sure wasn’t mine, so I had no claim to him. It still stung to watch him respond to some stranger better than he did me.

“We will get your weight and check your vitals. However, you have to hold your bladder for now,” she said. “If your husband would like, he can go wait in the room. It’s that one right over there.”

“He’s not my husband,” I blurted. I wanted that clear.

“Oh,” she said, looking embarrassed, and then she flickered her gaze over to him with more interest. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have assumed.”

“It’s fine,” he told her. “And I’ll go wait in the room. Thank you.”

She watched him as he started down the hallway, and I cleared my throat to get her attention. The nurse’s head snapped back to me, and she gave me an apologetic smile.

“Sorry, yes, let’s see what your weight is.”

Yes, let’s. I rolled my eyes.

Once I was weighed and my heart rate and blood pressure were recorded, I was led to the examination room that Liam was already in. He was sitting in a chair with his right ankle propped on his left knee and a magazine open in his lap. He glanced up at me.

“It’s the size of an apricot,” he said.

The nurse giggled behind me. “Don’t you love how they use food to give you the approximate size of the fetus?”

Liam smirked and closed the magazine, then placed it on the table beside him.

“You can go ahead and get on the table, and Dr. Savoy will be in here with you shortly,” she said, then glanced over at Liam one more time before stepping out of the room.

Glad she was gone, I walked over and used the step stool to get onto the table.

“That magazine said you’re not supposed to eat certain things. There was a list of them,” he informed me.

I nodded. “Yep. I have a screenshot of that list on my phone. I read that a couple of weeks ago and saved it. Can’t say I eat those things much anyway.”

He studied me for a moment, then pulled his phone out of his pocket and turned his attention to sending a text.

“Seems like you’ve got Country aiming to please you,” he said without looking up.

I didn’t much care for his tone. Country had been so much help, and I’d never asked him for any of it.

“He offered to help. I didn’t ask him.”

Liam glanced up at me. “I’m sure he did.” He dropped his gaze to my sundress, then went back to looking at his phone.

“What is that supposed to mean?” I asked him, feeling as if he’d accused me of something without using words.

“Nothing, Liberty. But some men are weak when it comes to a face like yours. Don’t do anything that he will regret.”

I stiffened. “What exactly are you insinuating, Liam?” I asked as my nails bit into my palms.

He ran a hand over his short beard. “Don’t spread your legs for him. Not while you’re carrying my kid.”

My mouth dropped open. Had he really just said that? Did he think I was going to sleep around while I was pregnant? I started to say something when the door opened, and a petite older woman entered the room. She wore a pair of round glasses and had a businesslike smile on her face. She gave Liam a nod, but there was no flirty eyelash batting, and I decided I liked her already.

Her attention was fully on me. “I’m Dr. Savoy. It’s a pleasure to meet you, Liberty. Your blood pressure and weight are both excellent. Nothing to be concerned about. Now, it says here that judging by your last period, you should be nine weeks and six days.”

I nodded. “Yes.”

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