Page 37 of Torrid

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The only member I’d met when I arrived was Brick, Goldie’s husband—or her ole man, as she had called him.

A smile stretched across his face. “You’re Liberty,” he replied, then held out his hand. “I’m Country. It’s nice to meet you.”

I shook his hand, uncertain of what to say. “Uh, you too.”

He let my hand go. “I hope you’re going to the kitchen because Nina and Goldie are stressing the fuck out over you not eating before you came up here.”

I hadn’t meant to make them worry.

“I am,” I replied. “I just needed to freshen up a bit.”

His gaze swept over me quickly, not stalling anywhere or making me feel like he was checking me out. “Seems like you accomplished it.”

I laughed, not sure what he meant. “Okay, well, I guess I’ll see you around.”

He stepped out of my way so I could continue down the next set of stairs.

“Yeah, my room is three doors down from Prez’s, on the left, if you need anything. I mean, at night—” He shook his head, and it looked like he was blushing. “That is not coming out right. What I am trying to say is, I am here at night if something happens. Goldie and Nina normally go back to their houses. Sometimes, they stay here, but not a lot. Dolly and Micah are here a couple of nights a week. They’re down on that end. Anyway, just, uh, make yourself at home.”

He wasn’t sexy in the way that Liam was, but he had a certain appeal. Not that it mattered. I was pregnant. I wasn’t shopping around for a man. It would likely be years before I got to have sex again. At least today’s experience had been medal-worthy. It would have to last me for a long time.

“Thanks,” I replied, then continued on down.

Taking a deep breath, I tried to still my nerves before walking into the kitchen with what sounded like a lot of people that I didn’t know, but who all knew their Prez had dumped me off here. His unwanted, pregnant one-night stand.

Pushing the heavy red door, I walked inside, ready to get this over with.

Goldie—an attractive woman with dark red hair, styled in a pixie cut—looked up from the food she was dishing onto a plate and smiled brightly at the sight of me. That eased my nerves considerably.

“Liberty,” she called out, and I made my way over to the counter.

The talking seemed to quiet, and I felt as if everyone was staring at me. Curious about the woman their boss had left here.

Nina turned around from the stove and gave me a smile before turning to look out at the room of people. “All right, this is Liberty. She belongs to Prez. She’s staying here in his room. Everyone understands she has free rein and is not to be touched,” Nina called out.

There were grunts, agreements, mutters, and other things going on behind me, and I knew I needed to do something. Not keep my back to them like a weirdo.

I turned and gave a small wave and smiled.

There were more men than women. Men of all ages, in leather vests, with tattoos. The women were, well, interesting. Barely dressed for the most part, and they appeared a little hard, as every single one shot less than friendly looks at me. At least the men seemed welcoming enough. Maybe.

“Nice to meet you, Liberty,” an older guy, who was a little on the heavy side, called out.

A few others said similar things. I did my best to acknowledge them, then looked back to Goldie.

“I’d say they’re harmless, but that would be a lie. The girls are nasty. Most of them are in the porns that the club produces. There are a few club whores. Don’t worry about any of them though. You are under Prez’s protection. No one is going to bother you.

“Now, what would you like to eat? We’ve got dinner all laid out. Most have already eaten, but I set a plate back for you with everything on it. I wasn’t sure what you’d want. I will tell you though that the shrimp is fresh caught and the cheese grits I made to go with them are Prez’s favorite,” she said, taking a plate from the oven and uncovering it.

There were so many different items on it that I just stared.

Nina laughed as she came up to the counter with a flat iron skillet she’d pulled from the oven with homemade biscuits on it. “You need one of these. I make the best biscuits. Just ask anyone here.”

“Just ’cause she’s Prez’s baby momma don’t mean she gets all the hot biscuits,” a man with bright red hair and a goatee said, coming up beside me. He shot me a wink and grabbed a biscuit from the skillet.

Nina slapped at his hand, and he just laughed, then stuck the biscuit in his mouth before he walked off.

“That was Fox. He always says stupid shit. We ignore him,” Goldie said.

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