Page 36 of Torrid

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“You will be there your entire pregnancy. I’ll get you set up with an OB-GYN tomorrow and come back for the appointments.”

“You are leaving me there? With people I don’t know? Why can’t I stay here? I’ll get a job and an apartment.”

The panic in her tone was not going to get to me. This was the right thing to do. She just didn’t realize it yet.

“You’re pregnant with my baby, Liberty. Because of me, you lost your job. I am going to take care of you and the baby. We will address where you want to live and what you want to do once the baby is born. But while you’re pregnant, you need somewhere safe to live. You can’t live upstairs at a strip club. This is the best option.”

She didn’t say anything, and after a few minutes, I thought we were done talking, so I reached for the radio to turn it on. I sure as hell didn’t want to discuss what had happened in my office.

“So, that’s it. We fucked, and now, you are shipping me off. To get me away from you so, what, that you won’t fuck me again or because you think I’ll be clingy? Because rest assured, as much as I obviously enjoy what you do with your mouth and cock, I do not stay where I am not wanted.”

Guessed I wasn’t so lucky. She was going to talk about it, and the more she said fuck and cock, the harder said cock was going to get.

“I was drunk, and you weren’t wearing a bra. I got carried away. That’s a mistake. We aren’t going to be a couple. We are in two different eras in our life. But we are having a kid together. We need to get along. Accept it. Work together. Fucking will add shit we don’t need. When the baby gets here, we need to have a common ground. Not a lot of messed-up shit that will hinder us working together.”

“I didn’t ask you to take care of me. I’m not a charity case.”

“I know you didn’t ask. But I got you pregnant, and now, your needs are my responsibility. The way you were overworking yourself wasn’t safe for the baby. You’ll have a much healthier pregnancy with me taking care of things. No stress.”

It sounded better, the more I talked about it. I glanced at her to see her hands fisted tightly in her lap and her bottom lip between her teeth.

Fuck, was she about to cry? God, I hoped not. I didn’t know what to do with an emotional woman. Another thing Nina and Goldie would be better at. I wasn’t cut out for any of this shit. She was fucking lucky.



He was gone. He’d left me like an unwanted pet, dumping me here for strangers to deal with.

I’d managed to fight back the tears until I could get back to the room he’d taken my luggage to and told me to use. It was his room here, and no one had ever used it but him. I was the only one with the key, and I was welcome to treat it like my own home.

Goldie and Nina had been really sweet and seemed to understand that I needed to be alone. Both of them looking at me with sympathy and pity had just about sent me over the edge into a fit of tears.

I reached up and wiped away another tear that had rolled down my face as I looked around the room. It was huge. There were no windows, which was different, but it wasn’t confining due to the size of it.

A king-size bed with a black down comforter; a flat screen TV that was the size of one of the walls in the room I’d slept in at the club; a black leather sectional sofa with a coffee table that was made up of two motorcycle tires, stacked on top of each other; a square metal Harley Davidson sign that had smooth, rounded edges; a weight bench, a stand with rows of handheld weights, along with weights for the bench press, placed neatly in the corner, all filled the open space.

There was a bearskin rug, which I really hoped wasn’t real, that covered the floor over by the sofa and coffee table while a soft gray rectangular rug lay in the center of the room. There were some framed albums that were signed, it seemed, and a few biker week posters on the walls.

The private bathroom attached to the room was equally impressive with a big walk-in shower with two showerheads. One was the kind that hung from the top, releasing water like rain, and the other could be detached and held in your hand. The tub looked like it was a Jacuzzi that could fit four people. The walls were black with white marble countertops and brushed nickel finish.

Wallace had a nice apartment. It was considered luxury. However, it was nothing remotely close to this nice.

I’d never seen anything like this in person. In magazines and television maybe.

All of that, however, didn’t make up for the fact that Liam had just brought me here to get rid of me. It was humiliating and insulting. Yet he was right. If I had to do this on my own, I would work a lot of hours on my feet, and that would be harder later in the pregnancy. It wasn’t safe for me to be walking to the bus stop at night. If something happened to me, it happened to the baby. I had to think about that.

So, I’d kept my mouth shut while he listened to classic rock on the radio the entire drive down here. The only time we spoke was when he stopped for gas and asked me if I wanted anything or needed to use the restroom. That had been it.

I stared at the big bed and tried to decide if I wanted to lie down or go get something to eat in the kitchen. I hadn’t gotten anything at the service station, and I was starting to get a little hungry. Perhaps there was chocolate or ice cream. I could eat my feelings.

I checked my appearance in the mirror and then splashed some cold water on my face and patted it dry. I didn’t want to look like I’d been crying. They already felt sorry for me. No need to make it worse. When I was sure my sobbing fit didn’t show on my face, I headed back down the long hallway with the black walls to the stairs.

There were a lot of rooms up here, but the only one he’d shown me was this one. All the others belonged to members. I wondered who lived here with me.

Footsteps caused me to pause, and I waited to see who turned the corner on the first flight of stairs. It was a man with blond hair, pulled back loosely in a bun, and brown eyes the color of chocolate. He was tall with wide shoulders, and since he was just wearing The Judgment vest with nothing underneath his well-cut arms and chest were on display. I realized I was staring and felt my face warm.

“Um, hi,” I blurted out. “I’m Liberty.”

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