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I mean, his hands were very strong. The fact he even had the presence of mind during the height of his orgasm to be careful with me, to not want to hurt me, made me want to hug him and cry all at the same time.

I leaned further forward. The light was brightening, but my dark pink hair made a curtain around our faces as I brought my mouth closer to his for a kiss. He stopped me, though, his hands rising to cup my jaw, his eyes glowing.

“Let me look at you for a moment,” he uttered softly. “I just want to look at my wife.” His thumbs brushed tenderly back and forth against my cheeks. “I love these little brown marks.”

“My freckles?” I asked, surprised. My mom had always insisted that I wear makeup to cover them or get them permanently lasered off before I got married. And here Fallon was. Just loving them. Like the rest of me.

“Freckles! Is that what they are?” He grinned. “I asked Cherry to describe you once, before you arrived. She told me how beautiful you were. And she told me you had freckles, but I didn’t know what that meant until now. Freckles aren’t mentioned in my book.”

I loved my husband so much in that moment that it physically hurt. So much that I felt like my lungs might explode if I didn’t tell him. And tell him right fucking now.

“Fallon, I-”

My comms tablet began to vibrate, startling both of us. I licked my lips, my gaze darting to the table where it lay.

I would have ignored it. Chucked it out the fucking window if I had to. What colossally bad timing.

Only, it could have been Magnolia trying to contact me. A sudden spike of worry for my friend had me reaching.

Fallon was faster. He kept me firmly in place on his lap with his hands on my hips, using his tail to snap out and grab my tablet, passing it up to me.

But when I answered the call, it wasn’t Magnolia’s voice I heard, but the deep grumble of the warden’s.

“Darcy? There’s a human-piloted ship demanding permission to land.”

“Oh… OK? Do you need me to do something about it?” I asked, unable to fathom why the hell he’d called me about it.

Until his next words.

“The owner is onboard. Annette Dubois. She claims that she’s your mother.”



Darcy clambered off of me, her face drawn tight. It had not been difficult for me to hear most of what the warden had said.

“Your mother is here?” I asked, already missing Darcy’s weight upon me and her cunt around me, but resigning myself to getting up anyway. Once I got out of the bed, I found lightness in my steps. I was excited to meet the human woman who had produced my miracle of a wife.

But Darcy did not seem to share my excitement. She answered with a terse, “Apparently,” as she punched her fists into the sleeves of her robe.

“I’ll hurry through my morning chores so we can go and meet her. If we ride together on Kolt it will be faster than the wagon ride was. Should I wear my wedding suit?”

If ever there was an occasion for wearing my human formalwear outside of our wedding ceremony, meeting my wife’s mother seemed to qualify. And I would be glad to get another use out of it. Though it was hot to wear in the sun, I’d been pleased with the fit and effect of it all.

“Your wedding suit?” Darcy gaped at me. “God, no! Fallon, I don’t even plan on having you in the same room as that woman if I can help it. Literally, the only reason I’m going down there at this point is for the warden’s sake. My mother will make that poor man’s life living hell if she doesn’t get what she wants, which no doubt is a meeting with me.”

She blew out a breath between her lips and shook her head. “No. I’m going to tell her goodbye and good riddance and hopefully I will never have to see her again. I can’t believe she’s even come after everything she said to me.” Darcy shook her head once more, the motion smaller this time, disbelieving.

“So… this is not a happy reunion, then?”

As a very young child, I’d fantasized about my parents coming to reclaim me and bring me home. I’d pretend they wanted me and build a fake home with them in my head. Sometimes, I wondered if that was why I enjoyed sewing quilts for this place, or the reason I’d added on extra bedrooms to the original building of the ranch. I was trying to build a home I’d never really had.

Until now. Until her.

“Not a happy reunion.” She pinched her lips together and gave me a guarded look I could not quite read. “I have something to tell you, Fallon. But it’s kind of a long story and I know you have chores to get through if we’re going to leave anytime soon. So we can talk about it on the ride.”

“Alright,” I agreed, unable to deny her anything. I wanted to touch her, or maybe even try to do a kiss to her, but she had already left the room.

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