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I waited outside until the whole group, including all those big, lumbering cattle, were out of sight.

Fallon waited with me. I could have told him I was fine. I could have told him he could go get back to work.

But I didn’t.

“You will miss her,” he said softly when the sound of hooves had long faded.

“Yeah,” I admitted, my eyes burning. The sensation wasn’t helped by the blinding brightness of the now-high morning sun.

“But you will not be lonely,” Fallon vowed, voice fiercely determined.

I turned to face him. As if he couldn’t stop himself from touching me, his hands rose to cup my face. His callouses felt rough but so good on my skin.

My eyes fluttered shut.

“Do you promise?” I asked, voice warbling, like a whiny fucking idiot.

“I promise,” Fallon murmured. He must have bent closer to me after I’d closed my eyes, because I felt the brush of his breath on my mouth. Despite the morning warmth, I shivered at the sensation, my lips parting.

“Can we do the kiss thing again?” he asked, suddenly sounding heated. “I promise I will not try to remove my trousers afterwards if you do not want to-”

I threw my arms around his neck and cut him off by sealing my mouth to his.

Fallon reacted instantly, the shoulder and neck muscles beneath my arms jumping with tension. His fingers spasmed at my jaw, then his hands dragged down to my waist. His mouth sliding hungrily and clumsily over mine, he started moving, forcing me backwards with the hard wall of his body, until my back connected with another wall. The house.

Arousal stuttered, then sparked, all along my spine. I arched needily against him, loving the feeling of being so surrounded by him, almost caged in by him. I’d never felt this way while kissing or during foreplay before. Like I wanted to get closer and closer to the man I was with. So close I was practically rubbing myself all over him, my knee bending up to hook my leg behind him.

Fallon groaned, his hands shooting further downwards to grab my ass, squeezing. Fire lanced through my core when I felt the hot, swollen rise of his cock against my belly.

“How’s your cock tail?” I whispered against his damp mouth.

Fallon inhaled shakily.

“It could be better. If…”

“Is that your way of asking nicely for another blow job?” I asked, grinning.

“I… I am not sure how effective blowing on it would be,” Fallon said.

I snorted at this ridiculous, amazing alien man I’d been saddled with. Almost scarily, a sensation other than arousal seemed to be taking over as the strongest feeling currently swirling through my body. Even more than the needy throbbing of my clit, I became dizzily aware of a warm, clenching ache in my chest, sweet and sticky. It made me want to grab tighter to Fallon and never let go.

I let out a shuddering exhale, taking a moment to just be still against him. To put my cheek to his chest, my ear above his heart. To listen to the hot thunder of the beating, just as chaotic as mine.

Fuck a Terratribe II duck.

I was falling in love with this man. Despite the walls I’d thrown up, Fallon had scaled or pummelled or jumped over them all. He’d thrown big, orange lasso right around my human heart like I was some stupid rogue bull to be wrangled. And it had fucking worked.

There should have been a stab of fear at that, because the only things I’d ever loved had gone ahead and hurt me (my mom) or leave me (Maple, and now Magnolia). But Fallon didn’t give me a chance to feel afraid.

Because he absolutely froze me with his next words.

“Can I,” he groaned against the top of my head, his fingers rubbing my ass needily, “touch your clitorosaurus?”


“My… My what?!” I asked, rearing back to look at him and bumping the back of my head on the wall.

“Your clitorosaurus,” Fallon said, very patiently, as if trying to kindly educate me on something instead of saying the most astoundingly absurd thing I’d heard… well… ever. “I read all about it in my book.”

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