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Incoming Tablet Communication Cherry Dawson: Wait. Does this mean you guys have had sexy times??? Omg you’ve probably made Fallon’s whole life.

Outgoing Tablet Communication Darcy Dubois: If you define sexy times as a guilt/sympathy/apology blow job after I nearly ripped his cock tail off, then yes.

Incoming Tablet Communication Cherry Dawson: NO!!! Nearly ripped if off???

Outgoing Tablet Communication Darcy Dubois: I thought it was a deadly snake. I thought he was going to die or his dick would fall off. Or both.

Outgoing Tablet Communication Darcy Dubois: I blame you.

Incoming Tablet Communication Cherry Dawson: Awww. Sounds like you’re starting to care about your big, burly, orange simp. Charging in and trying to save him from his own venomous dicktacle without a care in the world for your own safety :’)

Outgoing Tablet Communication Darcy Dubois: Oh God. Don’t call it a dicktacle.

Incoming Tablet Communication Cherry Dawson: Fine. How about dick lasso? Has he used it like a lasso yet?

Outgoing Tablet Communication Darcy Dubois: Tell me you’re joking.

Incoming Tablet Communication Cherry Dawson: Be glad that I’m not. You’re going to see fucking stars.

After messaging with Cherry to make sure she didn’t miss the send-off tomorrow, I returned to the others to find Magnolia just finishing up giving Killian a tour. They were coming out of her bedroom, followed by a very tense-looking Garrek. His eyes weren’t bright white anymore, at least. Don’t think I didn’t notice that little detail, Sir.

But he still didn’t look chilled-out or relaxed. The dark blue-skinned, black-haired rider was watching the kid like he expected him to try to shank somebody. Which, considering why the child was here in this world at all, maybe wasn’t that much of a reach.

“And that’s about it!” Magnolia was saying. “And now, if you don’t mind, I need to visit the very exciting outhouse! You’re welcome to come along if you need to go, too. We’ll take turns.”

The kid, Killian, who was still gripping Magnolia’s hand like it was some sort of lifeline, went with her outside. Garrek followed closely behind. Not sure where Fallon was and not ready to let Magnolia disappear alone with these two quite yet, I went as well.

As Magnolia took Killian over to the outhouse, Garrek picked up a small pile of stuff he’d unstrapped from the shuldu earlier. I watched him as he brought it over to the side of the house, right below the window to Magnolia’s room, and started unpacking what looked like bedrolls.

“You won’t sleep inside?” I inquired.

“No,” Garrek answered, a gruff chop of a syllable. Between him and Silar, we seemed to have a lot of grumbly, grumpy cowboys ’round these parts. Apparently, I’d been paired up with the only one who made any attempt at civility or exercising any sort of social skills, no matter how rusty.

If you could call trying to get naked and bang me on the wedding altar of the warden’s desk social skills, anyway.

It was actually kind of amazing how not insane Fallon, or any of them, were after bring ripped away from their world as children and brought here. My gaze went to Killian, who was waiting outside the outhouse for Magnolia to finish. His white hair was a dusty, matted mess, as if he hadn’t combed or washed it or let anyone near it in… ever. He was disconcertingly big for a kid, at least by my human standards, but he had a distinctly child-like face with those big, white eyes. It was a gaunt face, though. Not a chubby, happy kiddo face.

“Have you seen Fallon?” I asked, turning my attention to Garrek once more.

“He went to check on a calf before turning in for the night,” Garrek said.

Ah. That was probably the one who’d gotten loose last night. I couldn’t help but smile a little, thinking about how thorough, caring, and devoted Fallon was. He’d already told me the calf was fine. But he was going to check on it again, anyway.

Garrek didn’t say anything else. He stared broodingly in the direction of the outhouse. The man appeared angry and exhausted, his eyes tight and his brow furrowed. He looked like he was trying to do a bunch of mental math, and no matter how he came at it, he couldn’t solve for the value of X.

I thought about my sunshiney sweetheart of a friend Magnolia travelling for days or even weeks with this moody slab of muscle, and protectiveness rose.

“You don’t seem too interested in small talk, so I’ll cut to the chase,” I said bluntly.

Garrek turned his head towards me, his frown deepening.

“Who are you going to chase?” he asked, his eyes going to my legs then back to my face. “Can you ride?”

“No. I just mean, I’m not going to beat around the bush anymore.”

“Is this… after the chase? You chase and beat a bush?” He looked at me like I was a brainless fucking idiot. “You can’t chase a bush,” he said flatly, as if even just explaining that obvious little fact to me took a huge amount of energy he’d rather not expend. “They don’t move.”

“Yeah, well. On Terratribe II, they do,” I bullshitted, irritation rising. “They just pick up and run all over the fucking place.” I sighed tightly. “Look. I just want to make sure that Magnolia is going to be safe. Can you do that? Are you going to take care of her?”

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