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“Let me see that,” she grumbled, grabbing my tail and holding the tip of it up to her face. She seemed to have forgotten all modesty now and did nothing to hide herself from me as she inspected my wound.

I instantly resolved to burn myself more often. Next time, I would try to do it closer to my cock, so she might want to put her face there instead.

But for now, I was blissfully content to stare at the gorgeous, alien planes and curves of her body while she frowned at my tail like it had done something to offend her.

My shaft swelled, and my cock tail tingled with the need to unfurl and grasp onto something. I knew, from the anatomy diagrams in the book, that human females did not have a cock tail to intertwine with, so I settled on wrapping mine firmly around my own cock and squeezing.

Darcy’s hair had begun to dry, a damp, dark pink that matched a flush of colour in her cheeks. Her skin glowed, and I traced her shape with my eyes. The rounded parts of her flesh that Silar was so insistent were not called udders or breests were deliciously curved and pointed with delectable little buds that the book called nipples.

I really wanted to put one of her nipples in my mouth. It looked like it would taste like fruit.

Maybe if I asked, very, very politely… My mouth was warm. It would probably even help!

“Fallon,” my wife said, her frown deepening and her cheeks darkening, “can you please get that boner under control because I am trying to look at your burn, here!”

“My what?” I asked, delirious with the scent of her, the feel of her slender fingers on my tail, her nearness.

“Your… Your erection!” she huffed, holding my tail like a weapon and using it to point, stunner-like, at my own genitals.

“Oh. Sorry. I’m a healthy young male and you are naked and very near me and… They did tell you I was a healthy young male, did they not?”

The pinkness from her cheeks seeped all the way down to her neck.

“Um. Yeah. I mean, I can tell you’re very healthy.”

“Good,” I said with a relieved sigh, worried she’d thought I was some sort of invalid. “And, just so you know, there is no bone in it. In case that was holding you back from getting nearer to it… or… touching it…”

“Oh, Jesus. Yeah, I mean, I might not have gotten a fancy Zabrian textbook like you did, but I figured there wasn’t a bone in it!”

“Oh. But you said-”

“Forget what I said. Just let me look at this tail!”

I watched her turn her flashing gaze to my tail once more. It really was a very mild burn. There wasn’t much to be done. But Darcy did not voluntarily touch me often and I found I could not extricate myself from the cool pleasure of her touch.

“This looks bad,” she murmured, biting her full lower lip as she gently probed the underside of my tail with her thumb. I’d never considered my tail and erogenous zone.

But I’d never had a wife to run her pretty fingers all over it before.

“It’s fine,” I choked out, reminding myself that she was the one who needed care tonight. I dragged the blanket up to be a cocooning sort of cape behind her.

“But it’s all black,” she said. She sounded worried. Worried about me.

My cock gave a throb so excited, so jerking, that it instantly drew Darcy’s eye. I could not remember the last time someone had cared enough to worry about me.

I am so glad I have a wife. This is the best.

“That’s just the colour our skin takes on when its inflamed. It’s normal,” I wheezed, squeezing my shaft tighter with my cock tail. I was now dangerously close to erupting all over my poor, nearly-hypothermic wife.

When had that happened? I’d gone from worried to the point of illness to complete, helpless arousal. I’d have to rein myself in. Darcy had only just gotten dried off. She didn’t need to get wet all over again because of her husband’s untouched cock.

“It is fine,” I insisted, sliding my tail from her grip and securing the blankets more firmly around her. “You need to rest. Do not worry about me.” Even though I like it so.

“But… Fallon, I…” Her lower lip wobbled, and she bit it again, very hard this time.

I brushed my knuckles along her cheek. “Do not bite your lip so hard,” I chastened. “Or I will have to lick it better.”

She blinked.

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