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The creature was shaggy, all black apart from the tongue and eyes, and had two massive, adorably pointed ears atop its big, blocky head. Even down on its haunches as it now was, it was the size of a small Terratribe II pony.

The fact that Fallon had been able to wrench something that big back with only his tail around its collar was beyond impressive. His tail was so slender and agile, it boggled my mind that it could also contain so much brute strength.

“Stay, Sora!”

Fallon released the collar and turned his full attention to me. His hands cupped my jaw, then my shoulders, then returned to where they’d been at my waist before.

“Are you alright?” he asked, sounding choked, his eyes extra bright white in the rapidly darkening air. “Sora always jumps up on me like that, but I’m much stronger and heavier than you. She did not think you’d fall. I do not think she meant to hurt you-”

“I’m not hurt,” I said quickly, trying to calm my heart. I was a little shaken up, sure, but who wouldn’t be after getting semi-tackled by the biggest alien herding hound in existence?

I was already pulling out of Fallon’s grip, trying to get a better look at Sora. When she saw me looking at her, her tail went wild, snapping back and forth across the ground, throwing up massive amounts of dirt and dust. I reached a tentative hand towards her, and she instantly bumped her snout to my palm and gave me a big, messy lick, her tail going even more crazy.

Oh my God. I’m in love.

“Hi, Sora! Hi, baby,” I found myself crooning in a high, sweet voice I hadn’t used since I was sixteen. “Oh, look at you,” I purred, getting down on my knees to dig my fingers into the thick fur at her neck. “You’re lovely. You’re such a good girl, aren’t you?”

She gave a high bark of agreement.

“Aw, I knew it,” I said, smiling bigger and brighter than I probably had in years. She barked again, then let her tongue hang out as she panted in excitement. Her smelly breath fanned over my face and a big, fat drop of dog drool landed with a messy splat on my left boot.

Perfection. Absolutely flawless. I loved her.

“You have hounds where you come from?” Fallon asked, crouching down beside us and giving Sora a friendly scrub between her ears.

“Yes. Not this big, but yes.”

“Did you have one?”

“No. I never had a pet.”

Well, I’d kind of had one as a teenager. But I’d only been able to keep Maple until my mom had found out about her. It probably didn’t count if you only managed to hold onto your pet for three too-short days. Fighting an unexpected tightness in my throat, I focused on giving Sora a big hug around her thick neck. I laughed – a real, genuine laugh – when her big, happy tongue slapped itself enthusiastically against my cheek.

I squeezed my eyes shut. Otherwise, something that was very definitely not a tear might have slipped out.

In the background, I was vaguely aware of Fallon grabbing the bags from the wagon and some quiet conversation between him and Magnolia. When I was mostly certain that I wasn’t going to start blubbering like a total idiot, I gave Sora a final squeeze and stood.

The sun had almost completely disappeared, a last-coal sort of light warming the horizon and illuminating various barns, buildings, fencing, trees, and garden patches. I felt a flicker of curiosity about the property, and resolved to explore it as soon as possible. Maybe Magnolia would like to come along.

I turned away from the back area of the ranch towards the house I’d glimpsed from the road earlier. It was bungalow-style, a long, surprisingly large building made of lumber. A beautiful wooden porch spanned the entire length of the rectangular house.

Fallon was standing on it and watching me.

“Magnolia is inside,” he said, apparently noticing the way I suddenly looked around for her. “So are your things.”

“Oh. Thank you,” I said stiffly, trying to shake off something that suddenly didn’t feel quite right. Fallon had been staring at me all day. Why did it suddenly feel so weird?

Then it hit me. His eyes weren’t glowing white anymore! What the hell? In the darkness of early evening, they should have been super bright.

Confused and curious, I started walking towards him without even meaning to, my feet moving all on their own. Sora padded along beside me then plopped her big, furry butt down on the ground by the house as I mounted the three steps up to the back porch.

I came to a stop before Fallon. There was no light on the porch, no fires or lightbulbs or lanterns. It was just him and me in the dwindling sun of our wedding day.

“Are you hungry?” he said, a huskiness creeping into his voice that made me shiver.

“Oh! Yes. I can prepare something.”

How many days had I spent with my mother in our massive kitchen, learning how to please a man by filling his stomach? How many recipes had I perfected over the years? How many times had she smacked me with a wooden spoon when I’d gotten something wrong?

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