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“Do you want me to touch you?” I hated the thought that she might be standing there and suffering my touch just so that I could get a hands-on human education.

But she dispelled that fear with a single word.


My wife wanted me to touch her.

I would have to be careful, I told myself sternly as I nearly tipped the tub over in my haste to get back to her. I could not lose control. I would be stoic. Scientific. I would explore her with nothing but the purest, most mindful sort of curiosity. I would not think bad thoughts of tongues on skin or cocks in cunts. The kinds of thoughts I was sure no decent woman would tolerate in her husband.

And Cherry, I was beginning to learn, was far more than just a decent woman. She was warm, caring, not to mention generous, allowing my big, rough hands to close over her breasts once more.

“Oh,” she breathed, tipping her head back against the wall. Thinking I’d been too hard again, I ripped my hands away, only for her to grab them and guide them back to the achingly soft curves of her flesh.

I stifled a groan as I felt the tips, the nipples as she’d called them, stiffen once more. Sensitive, she’d said.

A sensitive part of my own body was stiffening rapidly now, but I paid it little heed, staring down with lurid fascination at the way my hands covered so much of this part of her body.

“If these are not udders,” I rasped, pressing lightly until Cherry gasped, “what are they for?”

She let out a small laugh.

“Your instinct actually wasn’t far off,” she murmured. “They are for milk. For babies.”

“If they are for babies,” I choked out, “then I should not be touching them.”

I should also not be struck with the sudden desire to suck on them, either, but I did not say that horrifying part out loud.

But Cherry did not seem horrified. She shivered under my touch and shyly said, “They can be for husbands, too.”

There was no denying the sudden spurt of seed from the tip of my cock. It was but a small tremor of ecstasy, not a full climax, but it was there all the same, slick and wet.

“For… For milk?” I asked dizzily.

“No, that doesn’t happen until you actually have a baby. But men… Well, human men, anyway, seem to like them.”

Either I was not quite as perverse as I’d thought…

Or human males were even more perverse than I could have imagined.

Whatever the case, Cherry did not seem afraid of the way my touches grew bolder, greedier. All hopes of a cool and sterile exploration of my wife’s body were dead now, killed by my own longing. I swallowed a growl of need, dragging my thumbs across the taut nipples.

“Do humans only kiss at weddings and funerals?” The question crawled up my throat before I had a hope of calling it back.

“Funerals?” Cherry whispered. Her eyes looked unfocused, the dark parts in the centre larger than before.

“Is kissing merely ceremonial?” I ground out.

“Oh, no.” Her eyes fluttered closed for a moment as my thumbs circled her nipples once more. Her breathing turned arousingly ragged, and it took her a moment to begin speaking again. “No, humans do it all the time. Whenever they want.”

Oh. Maybe that was good. Good that kissing was not so formal or ritualistic. Maybe I would not offend her human sensibilities too much if I-

“I want to put my tongue inside you.”

Instantly, I froze. Had I actually just said that? I was meant to be keeping all my depraved desires buried where pretty Cherry would not see them. But here I was, so soon after she’d arrived, my control already unravelling like the frayed ends of too-old rope.

Surely, now, she would run from me. She would not even last the thirty days. She would –

She moaned and threw her arms around my neck. She tugged me so hard that my hat tumbled to the floor and my head was forced into sudden descent. When her mouth touched mine, it was not with the swift stiffness I experienced at our wedding. No, this time her lips were a hot caress, wet and wanting. Her mouth opened, and her fingers slid up into my hair. The soaked and silken tip of her tongue touched mine at the exact moment that her fingertips came into contact with the sensitive, healing edges of my ears.

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