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He gave me a sideways glance with eyes that once again were veined blue instead of white. Then he took off his hat and tipped his head down to me.

So he did have ears after all.

And, my God, they were the cutest fucking ears I’d ever seen, alien or human.

They were on the top of his head, normally hidden by his hat. The only other times he’d been bareheaded so far he’d either been behind me on the horse, or I’d been distracted by other things. Like his dick.

But now, with him bent down like this, I could get a good look at his adorably rounded, velvety ears, sticking up from the top of his head like an Old-Earth mouse. They were the same yellow-gold as the rest of him, though the edges and backs were darker, with streaks of irritated-looking black.

“Are they burned now?” I asked uneasily. I may not have known much about Zabrian anatomy, but the black streaking along the skin there really didn’t look right.

“Yes,” he grunted, straightening back up.

“Wait, what?” I gasped at his careless reply. “Why?!”

“Same reason you can burn,” he said, sounding completely unconcerned. “Sun.”

“Is this from today? From the ride back here?” I asked, feeling like a total ass. He’d given me his hat and now he had an injury because of it. “I’m so sorry, Silar!”

He blinked his lashless eyes.


“Because! You got burned because of me!”

“I got burned because of the sun.”

“You know what I mean!”

Impossible fucking man.

“It is only my ears,” he said slowly, looking mystified by my reaction. “We have good hearing, but it makes the skin there more sensitive.” He eyed me for a moment. “If I’m not mistaken, your scalp, face, and neck would have burned without the hat. And maybe even your ears on top of all that.”

“Well, yes, that’s true. But still!”

“Still what?”

Oh my God. Was this how all of our conversations were going to go?

“Come on,” I said, shaking my head and grabbing his hand. He jolted, staring at where I touched him with eyes glowing white again. I really need to find out what that’s about…

But I’d learn about his weird glowy eyes after I’d taken care of his ears.

Thankfully, when I started walking, tugging at his big body, he followed without complaint. I let go of him once we were in the kitchen where I’d left my bag on the floor. I bent down and rummaged around, shoving aside clothing for the few bottles of toiletries I’d brought from Elora Station, which included a small tube of general antiseptic healing ointment. Seizing upon it, I grinned with triumph, then straightened rapidly and turned to face Silar. I paused, noticing the way he’d hastily averted his gaze when I’d turned.

Was he staring at my ass?

Well, that would certainly be an interesting development, considering the way he’d seemed so keen on not touching me so far.

Unless he was noticing my lack of tail back there… Maybe he thought my butt looked weird without one.

Unfortunately, that was probably the more likely (and depressing) scenario. I pushed it out of my mind, focusing at the task at hand – Silar’s poor little burnt-up ears.

I was about to ask him to sit down when I remembered there wasn’t anywhere to do it in here. Except the floor, I supposed.

“How come you don’t have a table or chair in there?” I asked him as I walked through to the bedroom.

“Why would I need one?” he asked, sounding genuinely confused as he followed me.

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