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But whatever the reason, for better or worse, I could not rip my gaze from my wife’s rump.

It was pertly curved, taut and round as she strained awkwardly on her belly. My throat contracted, my claws flexing with impotent hunger when I realized just how perfectly my hands could mould themselves to that part of her. The lack of tail was so very odd, but in a way that felt distinctly perverse I realized I rather liked it. I liked the strangely naked view it gave of her, even while she was fully clothed.

“Sorry, Silar. I think I’m stuck,” she admitted, her voice muffled by Tarion’s belly. A dust-softened thud let me know my hat had fallen off her head to the ground. Cherry kicked her legs, making her backside bounce up and then down, her hips wiggling in a trapped movement of frustration, the sight of which made my belly and groin feel startlingly hot.


I shook myself. She’d be stuck there all day if I didn’t do something.

The fact that I could have stared at her like that all day was beside the point.

I turned my gaze to the blank blue of the sky, grasping her hips firmly and yanking her down to the ground without looking at her.

“Thanks! Sorry about that. I swear, I’m not usually so useless. I’m a quick learner. I’ll get used to everything soon. I promise.”

There she went again with her promises. Why did she feel the need to promise me anything when I was already so wholly undeserving of her?

“Let me just grab your hat. Thank you for that, by the way!” she said, jogging to where the hat had fallen as Tarion ambled away in search of water. I’d have to go follow him, get the saddle and everything off him. But for the moment I found myself once again wholly occupied by the sight of my wife’s backside, this time as she bent down to retrieve my hat from the ground. My cock pulsed.

I think there is something wrong with me.

It was a thought I’d had countless times before. Not many men could kill someone as a child as I had and not think so at some point or another. But for once, the thought was not about that dark day back on Zabria. It was about my new obsession with Cherry’s rump.

I wanted to clasp her hips while she was bent over like that.

I wanted to rub my cock on it.

There is definitely something wrong with me.

Such a desire could not be natural.

But then again, I had very little idea what constituted natural between Zabrian males and females, let alone a Zabrian male and a human female. I wondered if two of our kind had ever even been bonded before. Even if they had, I doubted a good Zabrian male from the Empire would currently be imagining dragging his hard, pulsing cock across the roundness of his human’s flesh the way I was.

Something very, very wrong.

I was sullied and broken and if my wife only knew the thoughts filling my head now then she would run from me the first moment that she got.

Thirty days. I had thirty days to learn how to control myself. Thirty days to patch up this strange, new, broken need inside me before she found out just how terrible the man she’d married was.

She had to know some of it. My conviction, of course. But she did not know this. This curl of vicious hunger that made me feel more animal than man.

Empire help me, I did not deserve her.

I was going to do everything in my power to keep her anyway.

“Seriously. Thank you for this,” she said as she came back to me. “I would have gotten super sunburned if I hadn’t had it.”

I took the hat and held it awkwardly in front of my groin. If she saw my erection, she’d no doubt know just how wrong I was inside. She’d know I’d been staring at her backside, feral and white-eyed and hard-cocked, and she’d go running back to the warden the first chance that she got.

“Hey, your eyes are all white again,” she said, shading her face with her hand and squinting up at me.

“Yours are still white,” I told her in rather defensive response.

“Well, yeah!” she said with a little laugh. “They always are, at least around the outside.”

I marvelled at that. I could not imagine going through life feeling my emotions so keenly at all times that my eyes were permanently white. I was not sure I would survive it.

Zohro had said that humans were weak. But this could not be true if Cherry could smile and chatter and go through life with her eyes gone-white and her insides tempestuous with wild feeling at all times. How did she even sleep?

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