Page 59 of Alien Champion

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Dalk’s nostrils flared, and he gave an unsteady grunt in reply, as if that was all he could manage. Which, to be fair, was often all he could manage, even at the best of times. But he must have summoned some internal store of strength, because he did cobble together a few words after that, huskily growling, “How about now?”

I snorted, and immediately started casting about for reasons why we couldn’t sneak off to make out right now. Only... I couldn’t think of any. If anything, this was the perfect time. Everyone was milling about together, chatting and eating and generally partying it up post-vaklok. No one was watching and no one would miss us.

Suddenly emboldened and scared that if I thought too long about it I’d inevitably change my mind, I nodded and hopped to my feet. “Let’s go.”

Dalk rose instantly, towering over me.

“Come on.” As natural as breathing, I held out my hand.

He looked at my outstretched palm with confusion. With a hesitating sort of consternation, he tentatively placed the well-chewed felkora bone he’d been holding into my hand.

“Um. Thank you?” I said, gingerly putting the bone down on the tray on the ground. “But that wasn’t actually what I was reaching for.” Before he could reply, I grabbed his hand and intertwined his fingers with mine.

Dalk’s fingers twitched, then suddenly clenched, as if afraid I’d pull away.

And I did pull, but only enough to tug him along with me.

“Come on,” I said again.

And we went.

I thought about returning to the little clearing with the waterfall. It would probably be just gorgeous at night, with the silver star and asteroid light turning the water to churning silver. But it also got cold out here at night, and if I was going to take my clothes off I wanted to be warm enough that I could actually enjoy it.

Ultimately, I decided to go with Dalk back into Gahn Thaleo’s mountain. Nobody was home, so to speak. And based on how much everyone had been enjoying the celebratory atmosphere outside, I thought it would probably be quite a while before any of my roomies returned to the cave we shared.

Dalk followed in dutiful silence, his hand possessive on mine, as I led him through the cave he shared with Oxriel and Zoren and into the one I shared with Tilly. I had a quick glance in the caves beyond – Nasrin’s and the other one that Valeria and Grim occupied – just to make sure nobody had snuck back here without us noticing.

But it was all empty, silent except for the crackling of the fire in the hearth and the sound of Dalk and me breathing.

I felt suddenly shy as I stood facing him. Slowly and deliberately, he began to strip out of his many straps and blades, revealing just a little more of himself with each weapon he let go of. I wasn’t doing much of anything at all — just standing around and awkwardly watching him — but the entire time, his sight stars never left me.

Once he’d put his last blade down on the floor, his claws went to his loincloth but then paused.

“You can take that off, too,” I whispered. His tail twitched in acknowledgement, and he did so. My stomach tightened as his shaft bobbed free, already half-hard, jutting forward in the air with its cock spears on either side. My breath caught as I imagined what it might feel like to have those odd, flexible little spears of flesh sliding across my skin while he thrusted into me.

“Will you remove your garments this time?” he asked, his voice sounding strained.

“I guess that’s only fair,” I murmured. My hands shook as I reached for the zipper on my jacket and pulled it down. I bunched up my jacket then put it aside. Then I kicked off my boots, peeled off my socks, shimmied out of my trousers, and stood shivering before him in my panties and tank top.

“Are you cold?” he asked suddenly, stepping closer to me.

“No.” If anything, I was too hot. I couldn’t figure out why the hell I was so shaky and excited and nervous about doing this. I’d had boyfriends before. I’d even had my fair share of meaningless hook-ups and one-night-stands. Usually, I went into those encounters with an almost flippant sense of enjoyment. Sex was fun and flirty and I had no problem keeping it casual.

But it didn’t feel casual with Dalk. And it scared me to think about why that might be.

I ignored the prickle of worry, trying to get into my old groove. I could be confident and sexy and bold. That was how I usually was, goddamnit!

Forcing my chin up, I hooked my fingers beneath the hem of my tank top and yanked it up and over my head before throwing it aside. Just as swiftly, I pulled down my panties and kicked them away until I was entirely, terrifyingly naked.

Dalk didn’t move. Well, most of him didn’t. He was stone-still everywhere except for his cock, which stiffened immediately to full hardness. Even his sight stars had ceased their usual pulsing and vibrating, like stars frozen in time.

He stared, statue-like, for so long that I started to worry I’d broken him somehow. I fought the urge to cover my chest with my arms, feeling the way my nipples puckered almost painfully under his gaze.

“What... What are you doing?” I asked.

“I am trying to decide,” he said thickly, “where to put my mouth on you first.”

I knew exactly where I was going to put my mouth on him first. His dick twitched, as if it had sensed my innermost thoughts.

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