Page 19 of Tamed

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I lift my brows. “How long do you think it will take?”

“Who knows? But I’ve read a little bit about human females of a certain age and it seems like it might take longer.”

I hold up a hand and glare at him. “Did you just call me old, Varnak? Because if you did, I’d like to remind you I just kicked your ass!”

He snorts. “Of course I didn’t. But I just want to discuss small ones. I never thought I’d want them but all of a sudden it seems important. Our worlds are opening up and it would be amazing to have someone to teach about our different traditions and stories. How our planets have survived and all that vrecking stuff.”

I smirk. “That’s all terribly interesting. But I don’t want to start trying to have small ones.”

His head drops and he sighs. Like a little boy who’s just lost his puppy or his favorite toy.

“Alright, my kora. If this is what you want.”

I sigh and reach out to pull myself over to sit on his lap, my arms wrapping around his broad shoulders, hugging him tight as I whisper in his ear, “I’m already pregnant, koree. I was waiting for the right time to tell you.”

His face lights up, his sea-blue gaze laser-sharp in his happiness. “I’m going to have a small one?”

“We,” I growl. “And considering I think I have to do all the work that you didn’t do already, I think you should take me out and find me a real chicken that isn’t blue. I can’t eat that. It’s making me nauseous.”

Varnak smirks. “I will search this galaxy for exactly what you want, my kora. I love you, mate.”

I snuggle into his arms and sigh. “I love you too, you crazy man.”

I’m home even in the middle of the stars and galaxies around us because of this male. No matter where we are, I will always be home with him. And I can always trust that he’ll have my back and that he will never treat me like I can’t have his back too.

We’re a team. I had to be kidnapped and end up in space to find the man who could treat me like I was a woman who could fight by his side and he’d never talk down to me like I didn’t matter.

I have the best of both worlds or the best of all of the galaxies. I have a man who loves me and wants me like a woman, but he also fights with me and alongside me and trusts me to have his six. I have it all.

It’s almost worth being kidnapped. I chuckle and breathe into his warm skin as he cradles me close.


Epilogue 2: Jenna

I’m so damn cold. Everything hurts and I can’t see anything around me. I know that I’m awake but it’s all clouds. Like little cotton balls hemming me in.

But outside of the white, I can hear him again. His deep voice calms me. “It’s okay, little mate. I’ve got you. Nothing will hurt you. No harm will come to you in my care. Just….don’t give up. I promise you that if you come back to me, you will want for nothing. You will be my whole world. Just like you are now.”

Something soft touches my hand and I grip it tightly. My eyes open and I see him outside of what looks like a windshield? He smiles at me and even though he’s blue and his hair is a soft gray that should make him look old, he’s not. I can see the power in his eyes, the banked fury and desire that I don’t want to see right now.

Maybe ever.

I glance over, not moving my head and realize that a hand is clasping mine while wearing a glove that’s pushed through some kind of hole in the side of the tube.

“Hello, mate.” I want to ask what he’s talking about but I’m so tired. I hear him hiss as I close my eyes and sink back into the darkness. “Please don’t leave me again, mate.”

But I can’t stay here. Can’t stay awake anymore. I’m just so damn tired and I know if I wake there’s going to be so much bad, so much that I don’t want to see or think about.

“Jenna. I love you, mate. Don’t give up because I promise you…I never will. I’ll hold onto you until you come back to me.”

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