Page 18 of Tamed

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I dance away from him on the balls of my feet, my steps so light it’s almost magical. I love this damn holodeck. Keeps me from getting hurt when we get a little carried away. He’s a big guy and he’s careful but I’m not sometimes.

“Come and get me, Varnak. You wanna play? Come and get me.” I whirl around and run, fading into the jungle landscape that’s a strange combination of blue and green foliage. It’s lush and tropical and sweat pools on my back as I flee.

I can hear his light steps behind me. For a big guy he moves as light as a feather. I can barely hear him and I have to listen hard most of the time.

He doesn’t talk and I know from now on he won’t. He’s focused on the game and the prize…me.

I grin and just as I turn a corner, something tackles me and takes me to the ground, knocking the air out of my lungs.

“Got you now!” I groan and he grasps my wrists and snaps something on them that holds me taut. I can see through them but I know there’s something there.

“What the hell, Varnak?” I grumble and pull at my wrists. “I don’t think I agreed to role play tonight. And why the hell couldn’t you wear the handcuffs?”

He chuckles heavily and then leaps lightly to his feet, his thigh muscles quivering. My belly turns over and heat pools deep inside me, my tongue sticking to the roof of my mouth.

He reaches down and grabs me, holding me high, like some damn sacrifice to his manhood.

Then he throws me over his broad, tanned shoulder.

“Oof!” I close my eyes and grit my teeth. “What the hell are you doing?”

But he says nothing and all of sudden the holodeck changes and the night sky pulses around us with starlight. A gorgeous aurora of gold and green and pink paints the sky and under his feet a soft carpet of green dances on the softest of breezes.

“What is this?”

He parts the leaves and in front of us is a small, square piece of cloth. A woven bag sits on it and he sits me down carefully, opening the bag and starting to pull out a variety of delicious-looking foods.

He finally sits across from me and fiddles with something on my wrists and all of sudden I’m free and staring around at the food spread out around us.

It looks so familiar and yet so damn alien.

He leans back and smirks. “Do you like it, my kora?”

I nod my head but stare at him like he’s gone insane.

“I thought that you might like this tradition of which I’ve read up a great deal. A picnic.”

“I’ve heard of a picnic. How did you hear of them?”

I talked to Lacey and she told me that you like them. Do you not like them?”

“I do. But what are we eating?” It looks familiar.”

“Well, over here we have a roast parvet. Which is like a chicken?” I nod my head, snickering under my breath when I should ask him why the meat is green. I sure as hell hope the cook had better cooking skills than I do because I would worry about my cooking green meat.

“And over here we have the traditional potato salad made with runa root.”

I nod my head without my face changing at all because it’s purple. The potatoes are purple.

Every time he tells me something, I struggle to hold in the smile on my face. “This is so nice, Varnak. But what’s the occasion?”

“Do I need an occasion to do something nice for my mate?”

I lean back, grinning and eyeing him up and down like he’s a piece of meat. My piece of Grade A stud.

“I think it would help in this instance.”

“Okay, here’s what I was thinking.” He shifts nervously. “I know that you wanted to wait to have small ones but I’d like to at least start trying.”

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