Page 12 of Tamed

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She smirks. “You sound like a child. Use your mind and realize that this could help you go home.” She eyes me narrowly. “You are human. We have a few ships that we use sometimes to pick up supplies. One of our females could take you back to Earth. You could go home. Surely that is worth one measly male.”

I grit my teeth and glare at the female. But strangely Alex doesn’t agree. I can see her pale skin turning rosy pink, her eyes turning hazy with her thoughts. Her teeth nibble at her full lower lip and I know she wants this. She wants to go home.

But she just sighs and shakes her head, her bell of black hair settling on her soft cheeks. “No. I won’t do that.”

One of the other females behind her steps forward and grunts before whispering in the taller female’s ear. All of them are dressed in skins that are molded to tall, lithe bodies. If I wasn’t so worried I might be enjoying the view. These females are stunningly beautiful. Slim and tall and yet rounded fully. Like a woman. Not like a stick.

But the looks on their lean faces is extremely hostile and I want to holler at Alex to get back on the ship and prepare for the battle that I know is coming.

The redhead steps forward and sighs. “I hate to say this but you do not have a choice anymore.” She nods back at the brunette behind her who’s eyeing me up like a bomb about to blow. “My general has put forward a challenge. She wants the male. If you choose to agree to give him up without a fight, we will of course provide you with help to reach wherever you wish to go.”

Alex glares at the other female and if looks could kill I think this chick would be laying flat on the floor. “And if I don’t agree to this ‘challenge’.” It doesn’t sound like a question.

The head female appears to agree with me and sighs. “Then you must fight to keep him. And if you don’t win, not only will you forfeit your property, you will be executed at daybreak.”

I suck in a startled breath. The ship said these women are a warrior species that broke from the council’s guidelines so they really would send her home if she asked them to.

If she gave me up.

And I sure as vreck don’t intend to let her fight and lose, guaranteeing that she will die.

“I will fight someone. Not her,” I growl and another female steps forward, lifting the damn rod that zapped me.

“You have no say here, male. We barely need your kind. As soon as you don’t prove useful, you will die as well.”

Alex snarls. “You women give warriors a bad name. I’ll fight your general bitch.”

All of the females snicker under their breaths and Alex grins. But the smile fades quickly when the other female steps forward. “I’m going to hurt you and then take your little toy back to my place and fuck him on my furs. Maybe I’ll even let you watch.”

Alex grimaces. “Not going to happen. When and where is this fight?”

“Morning. I’ll provide the weapons for you and we’ll make sure that you eat tonight and in the morning. You will get as much help as Zema does.”

I snort and they glare at me again. “He is a mouthy male. You should just let Zema have him. She will break him of this.”

Alex laughs. “Yeah. Right. Since we’ve had so much of your welcoming committee, I think you should go. I need time to get ready for this.”

“We’ll provide clothes as well. I hope that you know what you’re doing,” she says, her auburn brow lifted.

“Thanks. I think I’ve got this.”

They turn and one female drops off food and clothing from their plodding beasts.

I turn and glare at Alex. “What the hell are you thinking? You can’t fight that female. And now we have next to no time to find a way out of this.”

“Oh, I’m gonna fight her and I’m gonna win.” She grins mischievously. “I told you that I can fight just fine, male. I guess you’ll see.”



“We don’t have a lot of time. I wish that I could think of a way out of this. But I don’t think we have the time to play it out.”

I nod my head and smirk at him. “I know that you think that I can’t fight. But I can. I fought for world titles for god’s sake.”

“That’s not the same as what’s going to happen tomorrow. They are going to use every trick that they’ve got to make sure that you lose and you’ve got no knowledge of their fighting style.”

“I don’t need it.”

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