Page 87 of The Jefe's Boy

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"Hi." Delancy's pale sea foam green eyes twinkled down at me. "How are you feeling?"

"Like I got shot."

"You did and I would greatly appreciate it if you didn't do that again."

My eyes darted toward his arm. "And you?"

"Just a nick. The doctor says I'm going to be fine."

"The doctor?" I questioned.

"I believe that would be me," stated a chipper voice off to my left.

I wasn't sure I believed that statement when a skinny light reddish-brown haired man stepped into my line of vision. It wasn't so much the small size of the man, but the makeup on his face.

This guy was a doctor?

"Dr. Spencer King, at your service so to speak."

"Uh, hello."

"Spencer is the husband of Angus King," Delancy explained. "Under the circumstances, I didn't think it was a good idea to take either you or I to a public hospital since they have to report all gunshot wounds to the police. As Spencer is married to a mafia man, he gets it. He also won't report us."

That was a good thing.

"Just to take your mind off worrying, the house is secured. Hugo tracked down all of your grandfather's men and they are being shipped back to Columbia as we speak, the workers finished replacing all of the windows with bullet proof glass, so no one is in the house that shouldn't be here."

My eyes darted to Spencer again.

"I gave permission for Spencer, his husband, and four of their guards to be here while you were treated. In exchange for their help, I have offered one hack job to be named later."

I wasn't real thrilled with that, but I understood it.

"The upside, after King heard of what I do, he's agreed to help me, as did Vinnie and Dmitri and surprisingly, my grandfather. My friends Jazz, Osaka, and one other hacker are setting up a network in each territory to be manned by one of them. I get Brooklyn for obvious reasons."

"How long have I been out?" I asked. A lot seemed to have happened in that time.

"Three days." Delancy swallowed hard. "Three very long days."

"I'm sorry, querido."

"Don't do it again and we will call it even."

I winced. "I can try." Couldn't guarantee it. Sadly, that was the life I lived.

Delancy snorted. "Good thing I got Hugo to hire you two new bodyguards."

My eyebrows lifted. "I'm sorry, you what?"

"I had Hugo hire two new bodyguards just for you."

"How?" Delancy was smart. There was no denying that. He was a certified genius, but ordering my men around? How had that happened?

"Who do you think has been running things since you got shot?"


Delancy shook his head. "Marcus flew your grandfather's body back to Columbia two days ago."

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