Page 59 of The Jefe's Boy

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That wasn't good.

Chapter Eighteen

~ Delancy ~

Now that Alejandro was here, the anxiety I had been holding onto so tightly started to unwind. I felt as if I was coming apart at the seams. My nerves were a jumbled mess.

"Alejandro," I whispered as I turned my face into his chest. "I think he really wanted to kill me."

"He won't harm a hair on your head," Alejandro snapped as he wrapped both arms around me instead of just one. "I'll kill him first."

Those words, strangely enough, made me feel better.

There should be some moral dilemma here, some ethical line we shouldn't cross. I just wasn't feeling it. This man, this stranger, had come into my home, threatened me, and attacked me.

He needed to die.

I raised my head and glanced up at Alejandro. "I'll help you."

Alejandro cocked an eyebrow.

I shrugged. "He pissed me off."

Alejandro chuckled. "We will discuss it later."

I huffed because I had good reason to. I knew this wasn't something we could discuss in public, and not even in many of the rooms in our home.

At least not yet.

Maybe I needed to talk to Alejandro about wiring the entire house and not just the bedroom and the study. I would hate to say the wrong thing in the wrong place.

"Mr. Díaz?"

"Yes?" both Alejandro and I said as we turned.

I smiled when I saw the man standing behind us. "Oh, Detective Waterston. This is my husband, Alejandro Díaz."

The detective nodded to Alejandro. "Mr. Díaz."

"Detective," he replied. "What can you tell me about the man that attacked my husband?"

"Well, sir, his name is Dante Díaz, and he says he's your brother."

"My brother?" Alejandro snapped. "Dante is my half-brother and we have nothing to do with each other. He hates me. I didn't even know he knew where we lived. I certainly never told him."

The detective flipped open a small pad of paper and then pulled out a pen. "How long has it been since you last talked to him?"

"Oh, um, let me think." Alejandro frowned as if he was overworking his brain. "I think the last time I talked to Dante was about three months ago, right before I moved to New York. We didn't talk all that often even before then. Like I said, he hates me."

"So, there's some animosity between the two of you?"

"Dante is the legitimate heir to my grandfather's fortune. I am not, hence the half-brother thing. I want nothing to do with my grandfather, my father, or my half-brother, but Dante doesn't seem to understand that. He's threatened by my mere existence."

"You believe he is here because he doesn't want you to inherit your grandfather's fortune?"

"If Dante is here, he is here to make sure I don't inherit, one way or another."

The detective stared at Alejandro for so long, I worried that the whole jig was up and the man had figured us out.

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