Page 57 of The Jefe's Boy

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Seriously, my half-brother needed to be taken out. It was that simple. And I would be more than happy to do it.

I glanced out the window to see how close we were from home. We still had a ways to go.

I didn't like it.

I still had my cell phone in my hand and I found myself dialing one of my frat brothers. "Jake, I think I need Miles or Joe."

"You need a lawyer?" Jake asked. "Who'd you kill?"

"Not me."


I quickly gave Jake the rundown of the situation as I knew it.

"Delancy is safe?"

"I think so. At least, he was when we spoke a few minutes ago. He said Dante was incapacitated, shot by Hugo. I expect the police and medical will be at the house by the time I get there."

"I'll grab Miles and be right there."

"Uh, that might not be a good idea."

"Why not?" Jake asked.

"Delancy called one of his media friends. I imagine it's going to be a bit of a media circus. I'm not sure you want your picture in the paper next to mine."

"Nonsense," Jake replied. "If we are going to create that persona Delancy wants, having my picture right next to yours will help back that up. I might not be as famous as Delancy, but enough people know me that it will only add to the circus."

"Are you sure?"

I wasn't.

While I freely admitted to my friends exactly who I was, I didn't want to drag them down with me if things got dicey.

"I'm sure, Alejandro."

"Okay, then I will see you there."

"Just remember to play your part."

"Why does everyone keep saying that?"

I heard Jake chuckle as he hung up. I slid my phone back into my pocket and then went back to staring out the window. Even though Delancy had said he had things handled, I couldn't help the anxious knot tightening in my gut, especially after learning Dante was supposed to take over Brooklyn instead of me.

I had known my grandfather had something up his sleeve, but not that. Had Dante arrived at my house with the intent to kill me? To kill Delancy?

Yep, I was going to kill him.

My question was how did Dante even know where I lived? I certainly hadn't told him. I hadn't told anyone. That led me to believe that we were being watched, or at least I was.

If my grandfather planned to hand Brooklyn over to Dante, it made sense that he would have someone keeping an eye on me. That led me to question who it might be.

Hugo had carefully vetted everyone that still worked for me. Delancy had even done a deep dive into their backgrounds. While I didn't trust them fully, I trusted that they weren't the ones feeding my grandfather information.

So, who did that leave?

All thoughts of traps and spies fled from my brain the moment we turned onto the street where Delancy and I lived. Flashing red and blue lights blanketed the entire area.

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