Page 54 of The Jefe's Boy

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"What do you want?" the old man snarled when he answered the phone.

"Did you send Dante to New York?"

"So what if I did?"

Why was I not surprised?

"Well, you might want to make sure your medical is all paid up because Dante just got shot breaking into someone's house and assaulting the owner."

I wasn't about to tell him who that owner was. I'm sure he would find out sooner or later, but not saying anything would give me time to put a safety plan in place for Delancy. I had no doubt that my grandfather would want revenge.

"What hospital is he in?"

"I have no fucking idea, and even if I did it wouldn't matter. Didn't you hear me? He broke into someone's house and assaulted the owner. He's in police custody."

"Find out what hospital he is in. I'll be there in the morning."

"As long as you don't enter Brooklyn, I don't care what you do."

"Brooklyn still belongs to me."

It didn't, actually.

"You signed it over to me, remember?"

The old man snorted. "I can take it back."

"Not without a good reason."

"Letting your brother get shot is a good reason."

"Oh, so now he's my brother?" I rolled my eyes even though no one could see it. The very idea was absurd. "Dante might be biologically related to me, but he is not my brother."

And he never would be.

"Don't come to Brooklyn."

I hung up, wishing the phone was one of those old land lines where I could slam it down in his ear. I started to toss it onto the seat next to me until I realized I had another phone call to make.

God, I didn't want to do this.

I dialed the number Vinnie had given me this morning and then waited for someone to answer.

"I've been expecting your call, Alejandro," the man on the other end said without me even giving him my name.

"Sorry for interrupting your evening, Mr. Delarosa."

"Call me Marcus."

"Yes, sir." I swallowed tightly before heading into the heavy news I had to share. "I have a situation here that I thought you needed to know about. I'm handling it, but I think you still need to be informed."

"I'm listening."

"My half-brother Dante showed up uninvited and unannounced at my residence about thirty minutes ago. After he assaulted my husband, my bodyguard shot him. He's in police custody at the moment and probably on his way to the hospital."

"Is he alive?"

"I believe so, sir."

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