Page 26 of The Jefe's Boy

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Not even death could have kept the smirk off my face when I heard the horrified gasp from the man at my side. Seems Delancy had just figured out who he was marrying. I glanced at him from the corner of my eye and he was pale as a ghost, his pale sea foam green eyes dominating his face.

He looked on the verge of running.

I had already ordered my guards to make sure he couldn't leave the ballroom before the ceremony was complete. I wasn't leaving this room until I had Martinez's signature on the papers giving me Brooklyn.

Pretty boy would just have to suck it up.

When I saw Delancy take a hesitant step back, I reached out for his hand, holding it tightly, and then leaned in to whisper into his ear, "Don't even think about it." I knew he was going to make a run for it. "I'll paddle you right here in front of everyone."

Delancy's wide eyes darted to mine.

I kept a tight grip on Delancy's hand as the minister proceeded with the ceremony. Even with the tension in the air, I doubted the man had any idea that neither of were marrying for love.

When we were required to say our "I do's", I squeezed Delancy's hand until he winced. I didn't want to hurt the man, but he needed to agree to this or the whole thing would fall through.

I clamped my jaw tight until Delancy agreed. Once he did, I loosened my grip on his hand, but I didn't let go. When it was my turn, I easily agreed to the marriage.

Why else would I be here?

"You may kiss your spouse."

My smirk was back on my face as I drew Delancy toward me. After pressing my body into his in the club bathroom and feeling how well built he was, I had been waiting for this moment.

Delancy gasped when our lips met, his eyes going wide. The kiss was short and not at all sweet. As much as I wanted to take it further, now was not the time or the place. I needed to cement my power before I gave into my desires.

I still kept my hand tightly gripped around Delancy's as I lifted my head and faced the crowd clapping for us. I had no idea who these people were, but I knew they were important to the Matisse family.

It wasn't like I was too concerned by that, but keeping the peace with Delancy's family could only work in my favor, especially if I wanted to fly under the radar.

As well wishers came up to congratulate us, I arched an eyebrow at Martinez and gestured to the side of the room with a tilt of my chin. Martinez's lips thinned as he nodded. I was pretty sure he didn't think I would go through with the wedding.

The man was an idiot and so was my grandfather. Neither of them seemed to understand the lengths I would go through to get out and stay out of Columbia.

When the noise settled down, I gave a tug on Delancy's hand. "Come."

Delancy frowned at me, but he didn't argue as I pulled him over to a table where the marriage license was located. We both had to sign it and then it needed to be filed with the courts before our marriage was legal.

I needed the papers from Martinez before I signed.

Once we reached the table, I plastered a smile on my face that I didn't feel. "Delancy, this is an old friend of my grandfather's, Juan Martinez. Juan, this is my husband, Delancy Díaz."

"Díaz?" There was a deep frown on Delancy's face as he glanced up at me. "I don't remember—"

I squeezed his hand.

Delancy's jaw clenched, but at least he stopped speaking.

I turned my attention back to Martinez. "Do you have what I need?"

"Sign the papers," Martinez stated in a firm voice as if he expected me to obey his order.

I held out my free hand. "Papers first."

Martinez's eyes narrowed.

I simply stared back at him until he huffed and reached into the inside of his suit jacket. As soon as he held them out to me, I took them and looked them over. Once I saw that they were what I needed, I smiled and tucked them into my own suit jacket.

"Thank you," I said before grabbing a pen and leaning over to sign my name on the marriage certificate. I held the pen out to Delancy. "You need to sign, querido."

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