Page 30 of Terribly Tristan

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Miss O’Jenny snorted. “Not all accountants are boring, my love.”

“Not the ones I know, anyway,” Wei said.

Miss O’Jenny tottered up to the counter on her platform heels and inspected the packets of penis straws and tiny little cocktail cocks. “Perfect! And your Leo is an urban planning consultant. Jimmy told me.”

“What is that?”

“Honey,” Miss O’Jenny said, shoving the packets into her handbag, “I’m not fucking Google, all right?”

Orlando appeared from the back room with a can of lemonade. “Is this okay?”

Miss O’Jenny raised one perfect eyebrow. “Where’s the vodka, darling?”

Orlando scrambled away again.

“God, he’s got it bad,” Tristan said.

“Not as badly as you have. You’re quite besotted with your boy, aren’t you?” Miss O’Jenny cast him a soft look.

“I wouldn’t say besotted.”

“Besotted,” Wei agreed. “You can’t remember your hookups’ names to save yourself, but you haven’t fucked up his name once.”

Well, she had a point there.

“Enjoy it, Tristan,” Miss O’Jenny said. “Not everyone gets a love story in their life. It’s a privilege, darling. And if it puts you out of circulation, well, all the pretty boys will cry and weep for a weekend, but they’ll find themselves another dick in a couple of days. If you’ve found someone who thinks you’re special, you ought to hold on to them for as long as you can.”

“Are you sure you haven’t already had too much vodka?”

“Firstly, there is no such thing. And secondly…” She leaned in and kissed him on the forehead, like a fairy queen bestowing a blessing. “Shut your whore mouth while I’m dispensing wisdom.”

What was it with people calling him a whore this week? Still, he supposed that if the slutty shoe fitted…

Orlando came back with a glass of something clear and fizzy, complete with a penis straw, and Miss O’Jenny beamed at him. “Aren’t you a good boy?” she cooed, and Orlando’s face flushed. “Tell me, darling, what are you doing later?” she asked him, her cheeks hollowing as she sucked on her plastic penis.

“Um…” Orlando’s cheeks went even pinker, and Jenny rolled her eyes.

“Me, darling. The correct answer is, you’ll be doing me. Meet me after the cruise?”

Orlando nodded vigorously, and Miss O’Jenny beamed. She paid for her purchases and swept out the door in a flurry of kisses, leaving Orlando gazing after her, starry-eyed.

“Jesus, how good are you with that dick?” Tristan asked. “Wait. No, don’t answer that, I already know. Still, congratulations. You’ve impressed Jenny, and that takes some doing.”

Orlando shrugged, then went and snagged a bottle of lube and a box of the good condoms—extra-large—off the shelf. Tristan wondered if he should do the same. He had plans for the weekend, and they involved getting Leo’s dick in his arse. Jenny might have called him ‘little Leo Fisher,’ but he definitely wasn’t. Tristan could only imagine how good it would feel to be stretched around that nice, thick cock.

It still caught him by surprise that suddenly he had no interest in sleeping with anyone but Leo. It was like a switch in his brain had been flicked, changing his settings from ‘all the dicks, please’ to ‘just this one here.’

The weirdest thing was that Tristan actually liked feeling this way. It was strange and new, but in a good way. He’d spent a long time in the shower just this morning, thinking about Leo’s dick and imagining what he’d like to do when he next got his hands on it.

Speaking of Leo’s dick…

He pulled his phone out and sent off a text.

Dinner tonight?

His phone rang a second later, the screen flashing Landlord. He’d have to change that. He slipped out to the back room before answering. “Hello, gorgeous. Up for a date tonight?”

“I can’t. It’s Friday, and I have dinner with my parents.” Leo didn’t sound particularly thrilled about it.

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