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You can sleep with the girls, Ash said. We’ll sleep on the cots.

There was no mistaking the look of disappointment in Helian’s eyes.

Okay. I noticed the satyrs had brought in a third cot, wedging it up against the wall.

We need to get to sleep soon, Ash said with a grimace. We have a long journey ahead of us tomorrow.

I jerked back. We’re leaving tomorrow?

Yes. Deep lines marred Ash’s brow as he sat on the bed beside me, taking my hands in his. Tari, there’s something we need to discuss.

I stilled, my heart slowing to a dull thud. Something was wrong. W-what?

Ash squeezed my hands, pity flashing in his eyes. Nox said at least one of these books was last spotted on the human side of the Periculian Mountains in the Werewood Forest.

Helian grimly nodded. That place is teeming with demons.

Who had it and what were they doing with it? My gaze shot to his. I know.

For that was where I had almost been eaten by a berchta before stumbling into Radnor. And even worse, Thorin had told me his demon mistress lived not far from the forest beneath the Periculian Mountains. If we go to this forest, there’s a good chance we’ll run into the demon mistress, I warned them.

Ash grimly nodded.

My heartrate quickened when Ash cast a furtive glance at the girls. I knew what he was going to say next, damn him!

My mind went numb, and it felt as if my soul would leave my body as his words rang in my head like a death knell.

This will be a dangerous mission. The girls will be safer here.

No. Dread carved a hole deep in my chest. We can’t separate again.

Ash arched a brow, the wolf flashing in his eyes. You want to take our children to the Werewood Forest?

Damn him! No.

I hated the look of pity in his eyes. Then they have to stay.

Without us? Tears filled my eyes, blurring my vision.

I’ll stay.

My gaze shot to Finn flashing a wolfish grin while both girls sat in his lap on the floor. No, Finn.

“We have no choice,” Ash said aloud, his wolf’s rumble rattling my bones.

“We’ll be safest if we stick together,” I rasped.

Ash shook his head. You want to worry about shielding the girls while battling demons? he asked through thought.

My chest caved inward. No.

Helian cleared his throat. “Tari, this makes the most sense.”

No. No. No! All my mates were against me! I had fallen into a fathomless pit, and there was no one to catch me.

“Mommy, can you grow the bunnies more flowers?”

I blinked at Aurora, who had somehow climbed off Finn and was standing in front of me, an expectant look in her innocent eyes. How could I leave her?

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