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Her admission nearly brought me to tears. “Thank you, Isa.”

Tari shook like a leaf in a windstorm. “Get those chains off him!”

Isa released Enso and jutted a paw forward, peering down at Tari. Not yet. Let’s make sure this demon can’t still control him.

Isa actually arched back when my sister shot her a dark look. I knew my sister was holding onto her last thread of sanity. Maybe Isa did, too, for she didn’t so much as growl in response.

Instead, Isa swayed her long neck toward me. See if the demon will respond to your siren voice. She nodded in Helian’s direction.

Wary of Enso, who stretched his neck and wings while glaring at me through glowing eyes, I stepped closer toward Helian, my mates sticking close to my side. “Helian,” I said to the prince, “I’m going to ask Nox some questions.”

Helian sniffled, his face streaked with tears. “Alright.” Then I turned toward Enso, my siren voice cutting through the humid spring air. “Nox, how are you still able to telepathically speak with Helian?”

Enso squawked and then Helian answered for him. “He says he doesn’t know how.” Helian cleared his throat. “But I suspect we have formed some sort of bond and can mind-speak.”

I glared at the wyvern. “Is part of you still inside Helian?”

Helian shook his head. “He says he’s not inside me.”

“This might be a good thing,” Drae blurted.

I shot my mate a sideways glare. “How is this a good thing?”

He waved toward Helian, his tone too casual. “Because we can easily communicate with the demon through him.”

Helian snarled at my mate. “There’s a demon in my head.”

“I can fix that,” I answered. I looked at Enso, wondering if any part of the original wyvern’s soul was still inside his body. “Listen to me, demon,” I said, my siren voice even more powerful than before. “You will not enter Helian’s mind unless he speaks to you first. If you do, I will personally make sure you regret it.” I paused giving the wyvern a long look. “Nod if you understand.”

Enso let out another squawk and then nodded while tucking his wings behind him.

“Thank you,” Helian breathed, beads of sweat dripping from his forehead.

Tari crossed her arms, her heated gaze sweeping from Isa to my mates and me. “Now that we’re all satisfied, can we please take off Helian’s chains?”

When Isa nodded, my mates removed the chains from Helian. Ash helped him up, and he stumbled into Ash’s and Tari’s arms. Feeling like an interloper, I felt compelled to look away from their touching reunion as Tari’s sobs of relief grew louder. I prayed my sister wouldn’t remain angry with us, for it had been my idea to chain Helian. Though I supposed it didn’t matter, for she’d be furious with me soon enough, for I was about to separate her from her children. I would appeal to my sister’s mates first, letting them know that our mission was too dangerous for the girls. I only prayed they’d listen.


NIKKOS HEALED MY SWOLLEN hand, and then I returned the favor by easing the discomfort in Shiri’s womb. I didn’t know if I was disappointed or relieved that my sister wasn’t pregnant. Priestess Kaida was kind enough to bring Shiri a stack of clean rags as well as a bulky belt to hold them in place. The girls made fun of their aunt’s ‘diaper’ while we washed up, reminding me why I didn’t miss my monthly flow.

The children and I returned to our bedchamber, and I felt ten shades of awkward as my three mates looked at me like dogs salivating over scraps of fat.

I sat on the bed while the girls went to the rabbits, feeding them a strand of sex flowers that had fallen to the floor. I was thankful they didn’t ask how or why the white flowers suddenly carpeted the ceiling. Finn sat cross-legged next to the girls. My heart nearly burst with love when Ember sat in his lap, her thumb in her mouth while she rested against his chest.

You won’t believe this, Helian projected to me through thought, his voice echoing, his eyes wide with excitement.

I leaned forward, wrapping my arms around my knees. What is it?

He sat on the edge of the bed and thumbed toward Ash and Finn. I can mind-speak my brothers, too.

My gaze snapped to Ash, who confirmed it with a nod. It must be through our connection to you, he said through thought.

Just like I’m able to mind-speak Radnor through Helian. Can you mind-speak the dragons? I asked them.

Ash frowned while leaning against the wall beside the bed. I don’t think so.

I picked up a goblet of water, taking slow sips while eyeing my mates over the rim. “How do we do the sleeping arrangements?” I asked aloud.

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