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His top lip curled up while he struggled against his bindings. “You owe me for saving him.”

Ash let out a roar, pounding his chest like an ape. “We owe you nothing!”

“Shut up, demon.” Shiri’s siren voice ricocheted through the air. “You will not speak again unless I ask you to.”

Helian clamped his mouth, but not before I saw the hatred reflecting in his eyes. I wondered which actions were Helian’s and which were Nox’s. Did my mate have any control over his body or only what the demon allowed?

I had to bite down on my knuckles to stifle a sob, desperation making my shoulders cave inward. What if we couldn’t find a vessel? Would the demon fully take over? How would we save Helian?

Shiri turned to me, grasping my shoulders, her gaze hardening. “Listen to me, sister. We will find a way to save your mate.”

I couldn’t hold her gaze for long, for I feared the cost of saving Helian would be too great.


FINN FED HELIAN DURING supper after Ash blocked me from going to him. I didn’t blame Ash for being protective. After all, I didn’t want to think what would happen if Helian’s demon infected me and had access to my white witch magic. I still wasn’t sure how demon possession was transmitted, whether it be through blood or sex. The possibilities soured my stomach. Had Helian had sex with Arabella? Was that how he’d become demon possessed? And if he did, would I be able to forgive him?

My family and I ate in strained silence, the girls cowering between their aunt and uncles while casting their shifter fathers wary looks.

Ash mostly kept his head down, ignoring all of us as if he was angry with the world. Perhaps he was, and I was too much of a coward to ask him.

After supper, Finn returned to me, wrapping a protective arm around me while kissing my forehead. If you wish to go to him, he said through thought, just let Ash or me know first. One of us needs to be there to protect you.

I swallowed back a lump of emotion while nodding as something in my heart soured and resentment bubbled up in my chest. Did I want to go see Helian? He probably wouldn’t be demon possessed if he’d stayed with us, with me.

Shiri called the girls over to her side, a pitcher of water beside her. “Girls, time to get ready for bed.”

I felt like the world’s most useless mother as I stumbled over to them. Why hadn’t I thought to ready them for bed? I helped Shiri clean their hands and faces, apologizing profusely every time Ember complained that I was brushing her hair too hard. By the time we were finished, my little cherubs looked from me to Shiri with clean faces, slicked back hair, and heavy-lidded eyes.

Aurora tugged on Shiri’s skirts. “May we sleep with you, Auntie?”

Shiri frowned down at her, cupping her cheek. “But your mommy and daddies miss you.”

When both girls whined, I cut them off. “It’s fine, Shiri.” I forced a smile, though my heart crumbled like burned parchment. “Wherever they’re most comfortable.”

Ember tugged on my dress, smiling up at me. “You can come sleep with us, Mommy.”

“Then your daddies will be lonely.” I nodded toward my shifter mates, who averted their gazes but not before I caught the looks of longing in their eyes. “Besides, I love sleeping with shifters. They’re big and cuddly and keep me warmer than blankets.”

Aurora turned up her chin. “Our uncles keep us warm with their feathers.”

“You should give your daddies a chance,” Shiri whispered while stroking her back.

Aurora vehemently shook her head while giving her aunt a sour look as if she’d told her to eat a bowl of liver and onions.

My heart ached for my mates when I heard their canine whimpers echo inside my skull.

They don’t like us, Finn whined.

They will, I reassured him. After all, they couldn’t hate their fathers forever.

“I wonder if Bethamy is cold,” Ember blurted.

“Bethamy?” I asked.

Shiri grimaced. “Her doll.”

Ember looked up at her aunt with a pouty lip. “Do you think Aunt Malvolia saved her for me, or do you think she was washed away in the flood?”

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