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Ash didn’t answer, but I didn’t care. I would insist Helian was treated with decency—after he was bound. Helian didn’t fight his brother when he grabbed him, and despite my protests, Ash was unnecessarily rough, the wolf in his eyes flaring as he spun Helian around and pushed him against a tree.

Once Helian was bound, I draped a blanket across his nude body and then tipped a bladder of water toward his lips. He thanked me with a wobbly smile before drinking the water down.

After he finished, he let out a belch and gave me a pleading look. “Food would be great, my love.”

I nodded toward the camp. Bea had already caught us several fish, and Shiri’s mates were roasting them. “As soon as it’s ready.”

Shiri stood beside me, the strong magic radiating off her causing my gooseflesh to rise.

“This message is for the demon in Helian’s body.” Her voice was as deep as a dragon’s rumble, the siren taking over. “Do you understand me?”

Red flashed in Helian’s eyes. “Yess,” he answered in a serpentine voice.

I gasped, jerking back, vaguely aware of my snarling shifter mates flanking us while Blaze and Drae pressed behind us, the heat from their flames causing sweat to drip down my back.

Ask his name, I projected to my sister. You can control him if you know his name.

Shiri gave me a curt nod. “Demon,” my sister continued, her siren voice so powerful, even I felt like I was being cast under her spell, “what is your name?”

Helian’s lips curved in a wicked grin. “Demons are spellbound not to remember our own names when compelled by magic meant to do us harm.”

Shiri forced a smile. “You think I’ll harm you?”

“To know a demon’s name is to control the demon,” Helian hissed. “I can only remember my unfamiliar name.”

“What is it?” Shiri snarled.

His eyes flashed with malice. “Nox.”

“Nox,” she continued, her voice rising with irritation, “what kind of vessel do we need to rid Helian of your presence?”

Helian snarled like a wounded animal, and I had to remind myself it wasn’t Helian but the creature controlling him. “Another living being.”

“Find a slug and let’s get this over with,” Ash grumbled.

“Will a slug work?” Shiri asked Nox.

He flashed his teeth. “No.”

She jutted both hands on her hips, glaring down at him like he was an unruly toddler. “Then what will?”

He turned up his chin, the red in his eyes flaring like demon suns. “Another being with a beating heart of equal or bigger size.”

Shiri gasped. “Equal or bigger?”

I looked from my sister to our mates. “What are we supposed to use?”

“What about a wyvern?” Shiri asked.

Ash’s eyes bulged. “Do you want to give a wyvern demon powers?”

“No,” I answered for her. “But we can’t leave the demon in Helian.”

“I have been good to Helian.” Nox looked from me to Ash, a plea in his eyes. “I protected him from the blast.”

Shiri rolled her eyes. “You protected him to save yourself.”

I flinched at my sister’s tone, though she was right. She also obviously had more experience with demons than I did.

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