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Somehow, that didn’t put my mind at ease. “Which wyvern?”

His name is Enso. She leered down at me from beneath her long lashes. He is a cousin to Frode.

“Frode?” I rasped. It took me a moment to remember she was speaking of Beau. “And he’s willing to have a demon inside him?” How could I let that happen to Beau’s cousin?

She ruffled her wings again, looking affronted that I’d question her judgment. He’s willing to do anything to please his goddess.

“That is kind of him.” I nervously toyed with the frayed end of my belt while remembering how the other wyverns mourned the news of Beau’s death. How could I put them through more heartache? “But I don’t think I can ask him to make such a sacrifice.”

Both scaled brows rose. It’s not your choice to make, it’s his, and you will dishonor him if you deny him this.

“Thank you, Isa.” I burped into my fist then made a face when I was hit with the rancid aftertaste of that tea. I was suddenly overcome with a funny feeling in my gut and a weird, thick feeling in my head. My heartbeat slowed, too, and it felt as if I had sludge in my veins. How strange. Could it have been an effect of the tea? “Helian will be so grateful to have this demon out of him.” Though I would still feel terrible about burdening a wyvern with this demon. Damn Helian for putting us in this position.

I care nothing for Helian’s gratitude. She turned her back on me, her barbed tail swishing dangerously close to my head. I care only for yours. Goodnight.

“Goodnight,” I said aloud. Then I wrapped my arms around myself and followed her toward the temple, my eyes focused on her swinging tail as that strange sensation intensified. My feet felt weighted with stones as I trudged ahead. What was happening to me? My magic changed, too. It felt thicker, heavier, as if their sparks had turned to liquid iron. Perhaps I was just tired from our journey.


MY TWIN WAS WAITING for me at the temple entrance. I also caught a glimpse of Shiri’s mate Blaze waiting in the shadows. Isa had already disappeared down the ramp, her heavy stomps rattling the cavern walls. Shiri looped her arm through mine, steadying me as we descended into the bowels of the cavern. I was glad to have her to lean on, as some patches on the stone floor were slick, and that heaviness in my legs was worsening. The ramp was especially dark, lit by a few scattered sconces, but it did little to diminish the gloom of the dark cavern walls. I wondered if the pyramid above held any rooms, or if it was just a shell to conceal the civilization beneath.

You okay, Tari? Shiri asked through thought.

I was so grateful for my twin, for I got the feeling she sensed I needed support. My legs still felt heavy, and I hoped it wasn’t a side effect of that tea. I will be. I forced a smile, not wanting to burden her with worry by telling her about my fatigue, which was most likely an effect of pregnancy. Just trying to juggle three Fae, and they can be frustrating.

Tell me about it. She affectionately patted my arm. Ash is very protective of you.

By protective, I knew she meant jealous. Yeah, he certainly was jealous, though perhaps his anger wasn’t misplaced. He was right that Helian didn’t deserve my love. He is. I frowned. But at least he’s loyal.

Why did Helian pledge himself to Duke Viggo’s niece? she asked as we continued to make our descent.

I abruptly stopped, nearly stumbling over my own feet. Why was she asking me this? He said he had no choice, that we needed their army. I paused, breathing out a slow breath, summoning the nerve to voice what I’d speculated, fearing that speaking it to my sister would make the possibility all the more real. But I think at least some part of him did it to get back at me. And there was the crux of the problem. How could I love someone, bond with someone, who would deliberately hurt me so?

She stared at me a long moment, pity reflecting in her eyes. “For what?” she asked aloud.

I hung my head, shame and sadness washing over me. “For being mated to his brothers, too.”

She grasped my shoulders, and before I knew it, she held me in a warm embrace. “It’s not your fault the elements chose them for you,” she whispered in my ear. “The more powerful the witch, the more mates she needs.”

Tears stung my eyes while I clung tightly to her. He knows this, I answered through thought, the tightness in my throat making it difficult to speak. He doesn’t like sharing.

She pulled back, still clutching my shoulders while searching my eyes. “He acts as if you had a choice.”

I wiped my eyes with the backs of my hands. “I know.”

She glanced away, catching Blaze’s gaze before looping her arm through mine and walking me down the ramp again while Blaze remained in the shadows behind us. “I know Helian briefly said how we met, but I wanted to explain.”

“Explain what?” I asked, grateful that she changed the subject. I didn’t think my heart could handle answering more questions about Helian’s rejection.

“Ember and Aurora found him in a barn with a ball of deadly magic. Then I found them, and when he saw me and realized who we were, he told us we had to come with him before the bomb blew up.” She paused, biting her bottom lip. “That’s when I forced him to get the ball out of camp.” She stopped, turning to me. “I’m sorry about your wyvern. I didn’t have any other choice.”

“I know you didn’t. I don’t blame you. Helian should’ve never brought that ball into camp.” I paused as a new ache settled in my chest, battering my poor tattered heart all over again. “Fachnan’s mage, Selig, tricked me. He had me hit the ball as target practice. I had no idea I was creating a bomb.”

Her jaw dropped. “Were Helian and Selig working together?”

My shoulders fell with the realization that Helian could’ve been in on the deception. “I don’t know. I have to believe that Helian was manipulated, too.” At least I hoped so, because if not, I wasn’t sure I could forgive him. “Things are always so complicated with him.” Too complicated.

“I understand.” She squeezed my arm as we resumed walking. “Drae resented me when we first met. He knew we were fated mates, and he still threatened to drop me when we were flying.”

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