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I released a slow breath while recalling everything Helian had told me coupled with the few recovered memories I’d pieced together. “Fachnan was angry with the Lupine kings for impregnating his queen.” And the bastard had taken it out on every single shifter in Lupine, even innocent children. Generations lost, all because of a mad and evil king.”

Isa’s jowls turned a heavy frown as she blew out a puff of smoke. I’m sorry to hear the dragons killed the shifters. She turned her gaze to the moonlit sky. My race has lost their way. Before the mind spinner, the dragons respected the shifter races, and they never would have done a Fae king’s murderous bidding over a grudge.

“They killed or maimed most of the shifters.” I twisted the hem of my golden belt around my finger, thinking on how different my life would be if my mates had perished that night. I suddenly had a longing to run to them and fall into their arms, even Ash, though I was still angry with him. “Helian and Radnor helped Ash and Finn escape. Helian was banished for it.”

Then the alpha wolf should be indebted to the prince.

I released another long sigh. “It’s more complicated than that.”

The male species are always complicated. She turned up her horned snout with a huff. Sometimes I think they’re more trouble than they’re worth.

She was speaking of her mate, for I sensed a longing in her voice. She wanted him, but her anger and pride got in the way.

“They would give their lives to protect me.” I splayed a hand across my chest. “As I’m sure Radnor would do for you and Triss.”

So you’ve sided with him, too?

She released a long stream of smoke, so thick I had to jump from my seat and back away.

I fanned away the smoke while breathing through a wheeze. “I’ve sided with no one. He thought you were killed by satyrs years ago. He brought me to a stone mural of satyrs attacking a dragon. He said that was a depiction of them killing you.”

The fog cleared enough to reveal the shock in her eyes. That mural is thousands of years old. That happened long before Maiadra and even Kyan.

“His heartbreak when he told me the story...I could feel it in my soul.” I swallowed back my emotion while searching her eyes, and yeah, I guess I was taking a side. I couldn’t imagine two mates staying separated. As angry as I was with Helian and even Ash, the thought of breaking away from them forever was like an anvil splitting my chest in two.

Foolish drake. She averted her gaze, looking at something in the trees, her voice lacking inflection, though I felt a wave of sorrow pulsing off her. Did he kill the satyrs of Dunhull?

“No, fortunately.”

I thought I saw the slightest of smiles curl her lips. Then Thorin’s mind tricks didn’t corrupt his soul. She released a long breath of hot air. I’m sad I can’t say the same for the rest of my race.

“Then why are you angry with Radnor for warning the satyrs?” I asked, then I held my breath, bracing myself for her reaction to my interfering.

She leered down at me and exposed her sharp fangs. Because I feared the mind spinner would get to him first, and I was right.

I thoughtfully tapped my chin. “I see.”

You see nothing, she snarled, turning up her chin. You are the same age as my spawn and have much to learn.

I’d definitely struck a nerve. I swallowed back my trepidation. She wouldn’t hurt me, though I feared ripping open old wounds that she’d been trying to heal. Still, it couldn’t be helped. I refused to allow her to give up on her mate forever when I knew deep down that wasn’t what she wanted, and it certainly wasn’t what Triss or Radnor wanted. “I see that you’re hurting.” I clutched my chest, feeling her sorrow as keenly as my own. “You think Radnor chose the satyrs over you.”

She bowed back, ruffling her wings. That’s exactly what he did!

“But didn’t he believe the satyrs were Fae-kind’s last hope?” I pressed.

She looked down at me as if she was deciding to eat me or squash me between her toes. He was wrong.

I heaved a shaky breath, wondering if Radnor deserved me risking Isa’s wrath for him. “But if he believed that, then he was saving them to save all of Fae-kind, you and Triss included.”

You’re boring me with your speculation, witch. She looked away, flicking her tail. I need rest. I will send priestesses to you in the morning after you break your fast, and we will get that demon out of Fachnan’s spawn.

When she turned as if to go, I jutted a foot forward. “How? Helian’s demon said we needed a vessel, a living being.”

And we have one, she drawled. A wyvern has volunteered.

“A wyvern?” My stomach tied in a knot at the thought of harming a wyvern, especially not after what happened to Beau. “Is that safe?”

She gave me a curt nod. I will make sure of it.

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