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Very well. If she wished to rip the bandage off my wound, so be it. “Imagine loving children as if they were your own for four years and having them torn from your arms.” My heart imploded as I bit down on my knuckles to stifle a sob.

A splash, and then she moved to sit beside me, taking my hand in hers. “I’m not trying to take them from you. You’re their aunt, my twin. I very much want you to be a part of their lives.”

I stared down at our joined hands, hating myself for resenting my twin, and then resenting her more for making me hate myself. My throat tightened, making it too difficult to speak. Even when you live in Peloponese, and I live at Abyssus? I projected through thought.

She chewed on her lip. I’m not sure where we’ll live after this war is over, but wherever we are, you are welcome, too.

I shook my head. My mates belong at Abyssus, and I belong with them.

Wherever we end up, we’ll make arrangements so Aurora and Ember can see you every day. She flashed a sideways grin. Aurora can teleport, after all.

A gasp escaped me. “You’d let them come to me?” I asked aloud.

“Of course,” she said. “They’ve spoken highly of a nursemaid named Mrs. Euphemia. They can stay at Abyssus for their lessons and return to me in the evenings. I’ll have to confirm with Ash and Finn, but I’m sure they’d agree.”

I swiped at my eyes when they watered over. “Oh, Tari, I’d love that.”

“Then we’ll make it happen,” she said, looking at me from beneath her lashes. “Perhaps Aurora could bring me occasionally, so I could visit with my sister.”

“You’re welcome to come whenever you want.” I threw my arms around her, relief sweeping through me. “I’d love to see you.” I meant what I said as I kissed her cheek. I’d missed my sister for two years, and I would welcome the chance to have her back in my life.

“Then it’s settled.” She pulled back, bracing her hands on my shoulders. “Do you wish for them to sleep with you tonight?”

“I don’t want to intrude on your time—” I paused when her cheeks turned crimson. “Unless you want alone time with your mates.”

She bit her lip, nodding. “I’d like that very much.”

“Oh, Tari,” I squealed, hugging her again. “Thank you.”

“You are my twin.” She pulled back, stroking my arms. “And though I don’t have all my memories yet, I have enough to know how much I love you.”

I had to work hard to push out the words as my throat and chest tightened. “And I have always loved you—and missed you terribly.”

“We will make this work, Shiri.” She grabbed both my hands, lacing her fingers through mine. “Now that I have you back, I never want to lose you again.”

Chapter Six


After the men bathed and changed into fresh tunics, Shiri helped me bathe and dress the girls. I was grateful for my sister’s help, for the girls were especially hyper, refusing to sit still until Shiri gave them a stern lecture. I gave up trying to do Ember’s hair, but Shiri braided it with ease, reminding me I had a lot to learn about being a mother. Everyone was given soft, white robes to wear over our clothes, except for Shiri and me. We were given robes made of the finest shimmery gold thread with matching golden rope belts.

We came out of the bathroom, and the girls ran to Finn, demanding to be held. He scooped them into his arms as if they weighed no more than bags of feathers, and I couldn’t help but feel jealous, for it was clear they preferred him above anyone else. I suddenly understood how Shiri felt. The children clung to his neck as if they needed to be comforted from their traumatic bath.

I shared a look with my sister. He’s spoiling them, I said to her through thought.

He is, she answered, but at least he’s not ripping them away from their families while having their memories erased.

You’re right. I smiled at my mate while he held the girls against his broad chest. He loves them. I just hope they don’t take advantage of his kindness.

Her laughter echoed in my skull. Oh, they’re already taking advantage.

I inwardly cringed, knowing I’d have to talk with Finn later, but then Kaida came to retrieve us, saying the feast they’d prepared in our honor was ready.

After I made sure the rabbits were cozy and settled with ample hay, fresh greens, and water, we followed Kaida back to the center of the underground cavern, and I was completely amazed by the transformation. The setting reminded me of a moonlit fairy garden, with ivy-covered trellises hanging over the tables. The long tables were lit with pretty brass lamps and flowery scented candles and were laden with many different heavenly smelling dishes. The satyrs had changed from their coarse brown robes to hoodless robes of shimmery white that matched the ones given to our mates and children. The only satyr who stood out was High Priestess Esther, who wore a silver robe with a matching shimmery rope belt. Isa and Triss sat on the stone slab, some sort of giant, charred fish, or possibly a shark between them.

As soon as Triss saw the girls, she let out a high-pitched shriek and ran down the dais, her tail slapping the stone floor as she ran straight toward us like a playful hound greeting her master.

I sucked in a sharp breath, bracing myself for impact while preparing to create another giant tree barrier as the dragon clomped toward us like a drunk troll, the thunder of her paws striking the slate floor vibrating my very bones.

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