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Still embarrassed and upset over being overruled by Finn, I flashed a tight smile but didn’t answer.

Nikkos squeezed my hand, frowning. You okay?

I nodded. I will be.

Anything you need to discuss?

Later, I answered curtly, smiling tightly again after we parted from my sister, her mates, and the children and followed another priestess into our bedchamber, a cozy cave with plain but sturdy wood furniture. The bed was only large enough for two, but there were two comfortable looking pallets beside it.

When the priestess showed us a wardrobe with two clean gowns and three new tunics and trousers, I thanked her profusely.

The gowns were a dull green, not my color, but who was I to complain about fresh, clean clothes? I ran my fingers over one of the bodices. Not as rough as the dresses I’d been forced to wear while living in poverty, but definitely not the fine silk like the crimson gown Drae had given me. That gown was torn and soiled after surviving a war, but it was still my favorite dress. I pulled it from our bag, handing it to the priestess, and she promised to have it laundered and repaired.

I thanked her when she left, then spun around, plastering on a smile when Nikkos took my hand again.

I’m here for you, he said through thought.

I leaned up and kissed the side of his mouth as he wrapped his wings around me, feeling so grateful I had him and his brothers. They were so caring and attuned to my needs. I didn’t know what I’d do without them.

We pulled away when my sister poked her head inside our room. “Shiri, did you want to freshen up first?” she asked with a cheery smile. “Then the guys can use the bathing chamber.”

“Sure,” I said, reluctantly pulling away from Nikkos. “Where are the girls?” I asked as I followed her through the low cavern hall into the bathing chamber, another cavern that was about half the size of our bedchamber.

She had the decency to look away, her cheeks flushing. “With Finn.”

“Oh.” I didn’t bother masking the disappointment in my voice. I’d been hoping the four of us could bathe together like old times, but, no, the children were off playing after I’d told them ‘no.’

I stood back when about a dozen robed servants came in, their hooves clicking across the stone floor while their ears twisted and turned like hands on top of their heads. They poured steaming buckets of water into a large, barrel tub before leaving us with thick bars of soap, fresh towels, and shifts while they drew down the curtains, giving us some privacy.

I couldn’t wait to get into the steaming bath. I hadn’t had a hot bath since Malvolia’s castle, and though I’d been raised to bathe in streams and ponds, I had quickly become spoiled by the luxuries of royal life.

I flinched when Tari’s hands were at my back, loosening my stays.

“We can share a bath if you don’t mind,” she said.

“Sure,” I answered. “We’ve shared plenty of baths before.”

After we helped each other out of our gowns, I was first to climb into the tub. I let out a groan when the steamy water soaked into my skin, liquefying my bones. I watched my sister climb in across from me. She had filled out nicely since I’d last seen her. My sister had practically starved herself after birthing the girls, too focused on revenge to eat.

Now we were identical, except her stomach was a little softer with faint stretch marks on the sides, and her heavy breasts hung a little lower after nursing two infants. The very same children I’d raised as if they were my own.

“Sister, what’s wrong?”

My gaze shot to hers before I reached for a bar of soap. “Nothing.” I forced out the word, not interested in getting into an argument with her over the care of the children, her children.

“You’re angry with us because Finn overruled you.”

“It’s fine.” I had to work hard to unclench my jaw as I lathered soap onto a sponge. “I’m over it.”

“You’re not.” She leaned across the tub, latching on to my wrist.

I looked into her eyes for just a heartbeat before looking away. I wasn’t ready to have this conversation. The wound from losing the girls was still too fresh.

She squeezed my wrist and then let go, leaning back against the tub. “I know it’s hard having us take over when you’ve been their mother the past two years.”

“Four years.” I couldn’t help the bitterness that leached into my voice. “I took care of them when you were with us because you were too busy plotting a war.”

She drew circles in the water, her mouth turning down. “I’m sorry I was a neglectful mother. Believe me when I say I’ve learned my lesson. Thank you so much for taking care of them.” She looked up at me with glossy eyes. “I can never repay you for what you’ve done.”

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