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She didn’t duck when I grabbed a handful of eggs off the tray and threw them at her face. “Fuck you, you fucking evil bitch!”

Flora, Marius spoke through thought as he dug his fingers into my arm.

“I fucking hate her for what she did to us.” I shook him off and jutted a finger toward my twin’s chest. “I fucking hate her!”

“Come here,” Marius murmured, pulling me against him.

A sob tore through me as I clung to his neck while fearing he’d vanish, turning to mist in my grasp. I couldn’t stop the cries of anguish that tore through me, even when Derrick joined in the hug, my two fire mage mates wrapping me in a warm embrace. At some point, I collapsed in their arms, and they carried me to the bed. I thought I heard my sister run off, but I didn’t care. I no longer feared the bitch, for there was nothing more she could do to hurt us. She’d already broken me, shattered what was left of my soul, and I didn’t know how I could put it back together.


AFTER EVERYONE FLEW off, I sat down on the exposed root of Anya’s new, giant tree, waiting for Radnor to return. I had already called to him through thought. I knew he heard me, for his agonized cries resonated in my mind. Though I was relieved his mate and child were alive, I was worried about my friend. Never before had I seen him so distressed. I shuddered to think that the mind spinner had gotten to him, too. Just how powerful was this mage?

I blinked up at the evening sky as a shadow passed overhead, flying in erratic circles. Radnor let out a roar, shooting fire into the sky before spiraling toward the earth like a falling star, landing with a crash in the middle of the jungle, causing colorful birds to shoot into the air with angry squawks.

I jumped from my seat. Radnor, you okay? I projected to him.

I will never be okay, he answered. She no longer loves me.

I heaved a sigh, knowing he was being dramatic. Will you come here? I asked. We need to follow them.

Don’t follow them, my demon hissed. The dragoness will try to kill you.

I inwardly cursed. My demon, who went by the nickname Nox, had been quiet for so long, I was starting to hope he’d gotten bored of me and left to find a new host. Kill me, or kill you?

Both of us.

I refused to believe him. Anya won’t let her kill me. You, on the other hand, I can’t make any promises.

You put too much faith in the white witch. His words were punctured with a cruel taunt. She has no use for you when she only has eyes for her shifters.

I swallowed at that. Anya loves me. My words sounded false, even to me. I wouldn’t blame Anya if she no longer loved me. I didn’t deserve her love after all I’d done.

Yet, it was Radnor who saved you from the dragoness, not Anya.

She would’ve if he hadn’t stepped in. My words lacked conviction. I was unsure, and Nox knew it.

She would’ve let you burn.

Shut up, I snapped, clenching my hair as frustration pounded a drum in my skull.

Doing my best to put my demon’s words out of my mind, I went to Radnor after he emerged from the jungle, smashing trees in his wake. I leaned against one meaty paw. “You okay?”

He blew steam on my head while exposing his fangs. I will not be okay until I slowly pluck off the mind spinner’s extremities and burn them while he watches.

“At least Isa isn’t dead, and you have a hatchling.” I tried to infuse a note of hope into my voice, though I understood Radnor’s heartache all too well, for I didn’t know if my mate would ever forgive me either.

He ruffled his wings then turned his gaze toward the sky. They might as well be dead, for they treat me like I don’t exist.

I forced a note of confidence into my voice. “They’ll come around.”

He gave me a knowing look. You underestimate a dragon’s grudge.

“You came for me.” I slanted a smile. “Even though I behaved like a troll’s boil.”

He leered down at me, his brow furrowing. Is this your way of apologizing?

“I’m sorry, Radnor.” I leaned into him, patting his leg. “You’ve been the very best of friends.” My chest tightened as memories of my behavior warmed my face with shame. “I should’ve never taken out my frustrations on you.”

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