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“I can’t believe you’re alive,” Derrick said through a sniffle as he wiped his eyes with the backs of his hands. “All this time we thought you dead.”

One brow shot up. “Does Malvolia know you’re here?”

“No,” I said on a snarl. Just the mention of my sister’s name made my heart pound with rage. “And we have no reason to tell her.”

“She’ll find out.” Marius’s eyes widened, reminding me of a frightened child. “She has spies all over this castle.”

“We’ll be long gone by then.” Derrick stood, holding his hands down to us. “Can you fly?”

I took Derrick’s hand, standing beside Marius and clutching his arm, fearful he’d disappear if I let him go.

Marius’s pale cheeks turned a bright crimson. “I’m not leaving Thebes.”

I gasped, clutching my throat. Surely, he couldn’t be serious.

Derrick’s features fell. “Brother, we have to.”

Marius shook his head. “And go where?”

Anxious laughter burst from my throat. “Anywhere but here.”

“Your sister no longer believes we’re trying to take the throne,” Marius said as he dragged a hand down his face. “It was a trick by the mind spinner.”

“I know,” I blurted, “and I don’t care.” Just because she was no longer under Thorin’s spell, didn’t mean I wanted to be anywhere near my twin, and I especially didn’t wish to remain in her castle.

Marius squeezed my shoulder, his voice breaking on a plea. “This is your chance to reconcile.”

My skull felt like a steaming kettle on the verge of exploding. He couldn’t be serious! “With the bitch who imprisoned my mate for almost twenty-four years!” Bitter laughter escaped my throat. “Who put a price on our daughters’ heads!”

“Yes, that bitch.”

I spun around, glaring as I stared into a face I should have known as well as my own. I felt as if I wasn’t looking at my twin, but an entirely different person. She had dark face paints on her eyes and lips, her hair piled in an austere coronet, and a crown of jagged black thorns on top of her head. She wore black tights, black, heeled boots, an indecently short skirt, and a plunging neckline that left little to the imagination while her black cloak flowed behind her like a swath of ink. She was the personification of wickedness, and I hated her with every breath in my body.

Derrick jumped in front of me, twin flames arcing off his hands.

“Put away your fire, Lord Derrick,” Malvolia drawled with disinterest while examining grime beneath her fingernails. “I’m not going to fight you. Besides, you know you’d lose.” She stepped to the side, turning her stony gaze on me. “Flora.”

It took all my willpower to keep my knees from buckling. Only the flames of rage pumping through my veins kept me standing. “Malvolia.”

“Are Shirina and your other daughter well?” she asked with an air of indifference, as if we were discussing the weather.

I worked hard to unclench my teeth. “No thanks to you.”

She flinched as if she’d been slapped before plastering on another bored expression. “You both look tired.” She motioned toward Derrick. “I’ll have the servants prepare baths and send more food and fresh clothes. I take it you’ll need some time to reacquaint yourselves with Marius,” she said too casually, as if she hadn’t been the reason for our separation. “I’ll give you today, and then tomorrow we will plan Thorin’s demise as well as that of every other demon who threatens our realm.”

I gaped at her, waiting for her stony façade to crack. “That’s it? You imprisoned and tortured my mate for almost twenty-four years, you tried to kill us and our children, forcing us into a life of squalor and fear, and that’s all you have to say to me?”

Malvolia heaved an audible sigh, looking at me as if I were an unruly toddler. “There’s a lot I have to say to you. I just didn’t think now was the time.”

I shook off Derrick’s grip, jutting a foot toward my twin. “Say it.”

Her face fell before she plastered on another stony façade. “I’m sorry.”

Flames of rage raced across my skin as I glared at the bitch who’d made too many years of our lives a veritable hell. “Fuck you.”

“Flora.” Derrick reached for me again, fear reflecting in his eyes.

“It’s okay.” Malvolia shrugged, having the fucking nerve to look contrite. “I deserve it.”

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