Page 149 of Calling of Her Court

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I’ll be quick, she answered me through thought.

I nodded my approval.

Shiri released Drae’s hand and puffed up her chest, her siren voice ringing through the air like a bell. “Tell us now, Admonoxus. How did you turn against us when you agreed to the blood bond?”

The wyvern shrieked and writhed on the ground at the mention of his name.

Helian swore. “The bond is dissolved when a demon switches bodies.”

“Are we still bound?” Shiri asked.

Helian shook his head.

Radnor reared back, a ball of fire racing up his throat. Then I will kill him now.

“No!” Shiri held out her hands, her siren voice compelling me to do whatever she asked. “Don’t kill Enso!”

Radnor shrank back, his flame extinguishing as he snarled at my sister. Enso has already agreed to die.

“There has to be another way,” I said. “Enso is still inside his body. I sensed him when I was healing him.”

Helian cleared his throat. “Nox says you won’t find the book of spells if you kill him.”

“The book of spells is in Kyan’s Temple by Thebes,” Ember called to us as she hung off Triss’s neck like a squirrel climbing a tree.

Nox let out a howl.

“Silence, demon!” Shiri commanded.

Nox hung his head, though he made not another sound.

I jutted a foot toward Ember. “Did your friends tell you this?”

Ember nodded.

I clasped my hands together, my heart swelling with pride at my precocious child. “What wonderful friends you have, darling. Please thank them for me.”

Ember looked above her and then laughed. “They heard you.”

Helian nodded toward the stone hanging around her neck. “How do you see them when you’re wearing the stone?”

She shrugged. “They still show themselves to me.”

I shared a concerned look with Shiri and my mates.

“Perhaps the spirits choosing to show themselves to her has more to do with their magic than hers,” Shiri said.

I mulled over that. “Perhaps.” It made sense. Aurora had already said she couldn’t teleport with the stone around her neck. That’s what was most important.

Nox continued to writhe on the ground, struggling against Shiri’s spell.

“Put more bindings on the wyvern,” Drae said to a group of winged soldiers who hovered nearby.

Isa arched a scaled brow. When we get the book, we will find a spell to get Admonoxus out of Enso. It will be good practice for when we take down Megaera.

Shiri chewed her bottom lip, her nervous gaze darting between Isa and me. “Tari, there’s just one problem.”

My heart skipped a beat. “What?”

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