Page 148 of Calling of Her Court

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He twirled a lock of my hair around his finger. I don’t want to leave you, but I’ll hurry. Promise.

I willed back tears. Just be careful. That’s all I ask.

He sat up, kissing my palm, the intensity in his eyes taking my breath away. I will do everything in my power to return to you, my love. Of that, you have my word.

And then he kissed me while pulling me back on top of him. We made love much more tenderly, caressing and worshipping each other’s bodies until we finally gave into our exhaustion. Drae joined us in bed, and I fell asleep between them, their wings gently draped across me, warming my heart and soul.


AFTER SENDING THE GIRLS downstairs with my sister and Blaze, my mates and I took advantage of our brief time alone and were late to the breakfast table. I supposed this was what lovemaking was to be like from now on, stolen moments when the children were away. Not that I minded our brief lovemaking. My lovers were so intense and thorough during such a short time, refilling my magical well and leaving me relaxed and sated as we broke our fast in the dining hall downstairs.

There was so much silverware, I had no idea where to start until Helian showed me. To think, I was a princess who had no idea how to act like royalty. The girls insisted we try every flavor of tart, from savory to sweet. They truly were the most delicious things I’d ever eaten. They had flaky, buttery crusts that melted on my tongue, but the savory tarts were my favorite with a delicious blend of cheeses and spices.

I reluctantly drank the Retinea tea, though Shiri refused, and no amount of cajoling from her mates would convince her to take it. I thought about trying to persuade her, especially considering Megaera could have killed Thorin by now, which meant she would have his powers. But I didn’t know what was worse: having my mind altered or not accessing my powers in time. Perhaps it was best if only one of us drank the tea. I remembered escaping those spiders, terrified that Helian and our dragons would get eaten while shaking my hands and trying to get my magic to work.

The morning sun shone in my eyes, and a cool breeze blew my hair back from my face when Shiri’s mates took us to a lovely garden beside the castle keep. The air was cooler here and so intoxicatingly fresh, not musty and moldy like our little cabin in the woods. I was able to appreciate the magnificent trees surrounding the walled estate of Abyssus in full daylight. Everything was bigger here, and not just the trees, but the sky and even each deep breath. No wonder my children loved it here.

The dragons were waiting for us. Bea sprawled out on the grass beside the dragons, and I could feel her depression in the marrow of my bones. My fingers itched to heal her broken heart, but I wasn’t sure I could. Besides, I had to heal Nox before he perished.

The barbecued demon wyvern Nox was sprawled out by the stables, still bound by chains and a thick muzzle on his snout while Radnor hovered over him, dripping saliva onto the wyvern’s wings with rabid snarls. I didn’t see Arabella anywhere. Was she still imprisoned? There had been no discussion at the breakfast table about me healing her. I wondered if everyone had forgotten about her, or if leaving her out had been deliberate.

I cast a glance at Helian. Judging by the hard set of his features, I had a feeling he had been part of the plan to leave her in her cell and that he still bore resentment toward her after all she’d done. Not that I blamed him, but she saved my girls, and I owed her a debt no matter how wicked she’d been in the past.

The girls ran to Triss, climbing all over her back as Isa supervised, a fanged grin etched into her features. I could feel her joy radiating off her like springtime pollen dust floating through the air. I was so happy for my dragon, and clearly she was happy, too, for she and her mate had finally made up. It only took Radnor shielding her from millions of demonic spiders.

Do not heal him completely, Radnor said to me.

I shot him a dark look. “Enso is inside this body, too. I will not let him suffer.”

Radnor let out a huff of steam while sitting back with a grumble.

Ash stood beside me, a hand on my shoulder. Be careful, he warned as I reached for the wyvern’s wing.

I will, I answered, wincing when the wing crunched beneath my touch. Radnor had definitely torched him. I was surprised he was still alive, though his breathing was so shallow, I knew he wasn’t long for this world if I didn’t heal him soon.

Closing my eyes, I let my magic flow through me and into the wyvern. It was then I sensed Enso’s spirit still lurking beneath the wyvern’s leathery skin. He thanked me with a gentle brush of his soul across mine, and I felt ten shades of guilt for waiting so long to heal him. I made him a promise then that I would do whatever it took to get that demon out of his body. He deserved that much for his sacrifice.

After I finished healing Nox, I leaned back on my heels, wiping a bead of sweat from my brow as a foreboding feeling came over me. I closed my eyes and thought I heard my father Derrick moan in my mind as I saw a brief vision of him sleeping in a bed while my mother sat by his side. I thought I heard crashing waves nearby. They were near the Tribus Point. But which city? I looked beyond my mother’s shoulder and saw pointy turrets in the distance. Were they in Thebes? Was he unwell? And was this a vision of the past, future, or present? My eyes shot open, and I gaped at my sister.

What? she mouthed, but I didn’t know what to tell her, for I wasn’t sure what I had seen.

“Now that we’ve finished here,” Drae said as he crossed his arms and tucked his wings behind him. “We have lots of questions for the girls. I want to know everything about their captivity.”

I took Ash’s hand, thanking him as he helped me stand. “So do I, but can we wait? I-I just had a premonition that our father Derrick needs me.”

Shiri clutched her throat. “What’s wrong?”

I shook my head. “I don’t know. The vision was brief. I think he’s unwell.”

“Did you see where he is?” my sister asked, her voice strained.

I worried my lip, wondering where he could be. When we last saw our parents, they were on their way to Thebes to rescue Marius. “I didn’t recognize where they were, but I heard crashing waves and saw pointy turrets.”

“Thebes!” Shiri squealed before giving Drae a pleading look. “We have to go.”

“Very well.” Drae squeezed her hand. “Can you question Nox first?”

I gave Shiri a look.

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