Page 144 of Calling of Her Court

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She eagerly nodded. “It’s Admonoxus. And the bad demon witch’s name is Megaera.”

We collectively gasped. This changed everything.

“Then let’s go,” Ash said as he took the girls from Tari. The children didn’t look frightened as they clung to their big, beastly father.

Blaze rubbed his hands together, excitement flaring in his eyes. “We will destroy these demons soon enough.”

Chapter Twenty-Five


Aurora couldn’t teleport all of us, so we left the dragons, Arabella, and Bea behind, and within a blink, we were standing beneath the shade of a very large tree in the prettiest garden I’d ever seen, even lovelier than the one back at King Fachnan’s castle, with flowers of every color and size and rows of neat bushes mixed with various statues.

After I slipped Tau stone necklaces made from the ripped hem of my skirt over the girls’ heads, they squirmed out of Ash’s arms and ran to a small, raised pond framed by stones with a fountain in the center. Giggling, they tossed rocks into the water. How resilient my children were. My heart warmed to hear their laughter.

“Don’t go into the water,” Shiri warned.

“Yes, Auntie,” they said in unison while holding hands.

I mentally berated myself for not remembering to warn them about the water. Shiri seemed to know exactly what to say to them and when.

Twilight was almost upon us, the last rays of the setting sun shining through the tops of the tall pines that surrounded us. The trees here were even bigger than the ones back at our moldy cabin at the edge of the Periculian Forest, some as wide as Isa’s wingspan, and I remembered my father telling me that everything was bigger on the eastern side of the mountains.

Several flashes of fire lit up the sky, and I jerked back in time to see about a dozen winged mages heading in our direction. Ash growled and Helian unsheathed his sword.

I grabbed their arms. Wait, I warned through thought.

“Hold your fire!” Drae hollered, snapping open his wings.

The mages landed in front of us, their flames extinguishing as they stared at us as if we were ghosts come to life. It was odd being around so many fire mages when all my life I was taught to fear all but my father. Yet, I didn’t feel fear now, only relief that my children were safe and unharmed.

One of the fire mages stepped forward. He had fine lines around his eyes and forehead and pale hair and wings. I knew without a doubt, he had Sidhe Fae in his bloodline. “My Lord?”

“Yes, it is I, Romulus.” Drae motioned toward us. “Along with my family. They are guests here and will be treated as such.” He widened his stance while holding onto Shiri’s hand. “Is the castle secure?”

Romulus bowed. “Yes, My Lord.”

Helian sheathed his sword, and Ash stood down, though he remained in his shifter form. I realized the trousers the satyrs had given him were gone. He must’ve ripped them completely in the shift. Though he didn’t show any signs of pain, patches of his fur were matted with blood. No wonder he remained in his wolf-monster form. I would heal him as soon as I gathered strength.

My sister pushed forward, forcing the firemages to stand still while she checked them for demons. Blaze and Drae stood by my sister while she used her siren to call demons forward. Luckily, none of the mages were demon possessed. How unnerving that demons could infect the castle guards, but I was grateful to know they wouldn’t attack us when our backs were turned.

“Any news from Thebes?” Drae asked Romulus after Shiri released him from her spell.

“The last word we received was that a demon had taken possession of King Fachnan’s corpse and that Malvolia was going to attack Peloponese.” Romulus gave Shiri an appreciative look and then ruffled his feathers. “You were right about the demons, My Lord.”

Drae stiffened. “Of course I was.” He gave Romulus a stern look. “Maybe next time you won’t doubt my judgment.”

Romulus frowned. “I won’t, My Lord, and I apologize for doubting you.”

Drae gave him a curt nod. “Apology accepted.” He arched a brow. “Any word on the outcome of Malvolia’s attack?”

Romulus shook his head. “We should’ve heard more news, but our couriers haven’t returned.”

This wasn’t good. I shared a worried look with my mates.

“When were you expecting them to return?” Drae asked.

Romulus dragged his hands through his hair. “Five days past.”

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