Page 143 of Calling of Her Court

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“We need to get it out now.” I nodded toward Isa whose wings were too shredded to travel. “We have no other way out of here.”

“We must make Aurora throw up the stone,” Drae said, his hard gaze focused on Shiri. “Like you did after the demons put a Tau stone in your stew.”

Shiri shook her head. “We don’t have the herbs to expel the stone.”

“I’ll get Aurora’s stone out,” Tari said with a grimace. “Then we’ll make her wear it after she teleports us.”

I nodded my agreement, though I was unsure if Tari had the strength to expel the stone from Aurora. We didn’t have other options, though. We had to leave this place before more monsters found us. I still wondered what we were supposed to do with my demon-possessed former betrothed.

“Teleport us where?” I asked, for we still hadn’t decided on a location.

“Abyssus,” Blaze and Drae said in unison.

“It’s the only place right now where I can guarantee our safety,” Drae said as he crossed his arms over his broad chest.

“What about Fallax?” I asked.

Drae shook his head. “We don’t understand how these portals work, but we know the demons have already created one to the Fallax Islands.”

“He’s right,” Blaze said. “We should go to Abyssus. They should have word on what’s happening in Thebes and Peloponese. The demons could’ve already invaded the Fae lands.”

“Then we go to Abyssus,” Tari said.

The children squealed in delight.

Aurora’s fanged smile practically stretched ear to ear. “We get to see Mrs. Euphemia!”

Ember wrapped her arms around herself. “And I get new Bethamys.”

Tari bit her lip before holding her hands out to Aurora. “Do you trust me, baby?”

“Yes, Mommy.” Aurora let Tari take her in her arms.

Tari knelt in the ash, Aurora on her knee. She whispered soothing words in Aurora’s ear while settling a glowing hand on the child’s belly. Then the child cried out and vomited in the ash.

Tari rubbed Aurora’s back, the dark circles under her eyes growing more pronounced in a matter of seconds. “I’m sorry, baby.”

Aurora sat up, wiping her mouth. “It’s okay, Mommy.”

Ember squirmed out of Shiri’s arms and joined Aurora, sucking on her thumb while wiping her sister’s eyes. Tari looked so fetching holding the children, and I hoped we lived to see her holding my babe in her arms.

Ash removed the Tau stone from the vomit and handed it to Tari after wiping it on his fur. She pocketed it in her skirt.

“We’ll have the servants at Abyssus make the stones into necklaces,” Shiri said. She knelt down and grasped Aurora’s shoulders, searching her eyes. “Can you transport all of us to Abyssus?”

“Wait!” Radnor puffed up his chest. “Let me finish off Nox.” He nodded in the direction of the burned wyvern who resembled a lump of charcoal as he moaned on the ground.

“No!” Tari wagged a finger at him. “You kill him, and you kill Enso.”

Radnor pawed the ground like a bull preparing to charge. “Then what do we do with him?”

“Take him with us,” Shiri said with a grimace. “I will find a way to get the demon out of him.”

“How,” Blaze asked, “when we didn’t get the book of names?”

“I know his name,” Ember said as she pulled her thumb from her mouth. “My friends told me.”

Shiri spun around, her mouth hitched up in a smile as she crossed back to Ember. “They told you his name?”

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