Page 128 of Calling of Her Court

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Ivar held out his hands in a gesture of surrender. “If I could turn back time, I would’ve taken out King Fachnan the moment he ordered the attack.”

Ash howled again before snarling at Ivar. “You killed innocent women and children!” he boomed, his voice as deep as a dragon’s rumble. “My baby brother and sister!”

I swallowed at that, for I remembered meeting the children. They were barely out of diapers when they’d been killed. My heart felt ready to implode, and I couldn’t stop the tremors that coursed through me.

“Again”—Ivar visibly swallowed—“I regret my part in that.”

“Then why?” Ash’s cry pierced my soul, and it took all my willpower to remain standing as his wave of sorrow washed over me.

Ivar hung his head, his voice dropping to barely a murmur. “Because I was ordered to do it.”

“And you’d rather be a coward than a traitor.” Helian shook a fist at Ivar before waving it at the other dragon riders. “All of you! You only turned on your king when he turned on you!”

Ivar motioned to the tents behind him with his bloody stump. “And now we’re paying the ultimate price for that.”

“The ultimate price?” I shook my head, disgust lacing my words. “No.” Did he honestly think living in tents equated to losing everything?

“Not until you lose your family!” Ash hollered, punching the air. “Not until you lose your lives!”

Ivar heaved a sigh, his shoulders falling. “If that’s what it takes, I’ll do that. I know I can never do anything to atone for killing your kin, Prince Lykaios, but I’m willing to do anything to send these demons back to hell.” He raked his one hand over his balding head. “In the meantime, if you would like to have your revenge on me now, then I’m willing to fight you in your shifter form. The dragons will not intervene.”

Ash let out a low, demonic chuckle that caused my gooseflesh to rise. “I would shred you in seconds.”

“I know.” Ivar nodded. “I’m willing to sacrifice my life. I just ask that you spare the others, so they can help Prince Helian defeat the demons.”

Ash let out a wolf’s whimper before looking at Helian and me. What should I do?

Helian patted Ash’s back. Only you can decide that, but I will support your decision, brother.

Me, too, I answered, even though I was still very afraid the dragons would indeed intervene.

Ash snarled down at Ivar, saliva dripping off his fangs and pooling at the dragon rider’s feet. “I will have my vengeance and fight you, but not now. If we both survive the coming demon invasion, then we will battle.”

“Fair enough.” Ivar’s shoulders sagged before he wiped a bead of sweat from his brow. “So now what?” he asked Helian.

“Now we head to the Werewood Forest to retrieve a book of demon names. It’s the best way to defeat them,” Helian answered.

“Do you wish for our assistance?” Ivar asked.

I shared a look with Shiri, surprised that the dragon rider was volunteering to help.

That would make for a tense trip, Shiri said, motioning toward Ash.

“I suppose the more dragons the better,” Helian answered.

We ducked when a black shadow swooped down, nearly smacking into our heads. A wave of gasps and cursing swept through the crowd as a few brave riders unsheathed their swords again.

“Nox says the smaller the party the better. It will be easier to sneak in under the cover of night and steal the book without the demon mistress knowing,” Helian told us.

Ivar gave Helian a funny look. “Nox? Demon mistress?”

Helian tossed his silky hair over his shoulder. “Long story.”

Ivar stepped back, grasping the hilt of his sword while warily eyeing Helian. “Are you demon possessed?”

“No. The demon is in one of the wyverns.” I pointed to Enso, who flew low circles above us. “Don’t hurt him. He is blood sworn to help us.”

“We must fly to the Werewood Forest and back,” Helian said to Ivar. “Will you await our return here?”

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