Page 127 of Calling of Her Court

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I tensed when Enso squawked above us. Or should I say, Nox?

Ash’s growls grew louder, more menacing.

Ivar paused, giving Ash a long look. “Is there going to be a problem with the shifter?”

Helian’s back and shoulders stiffened. “That shifter is my brother, and why don’t you ask him?”

“Well, shifter?” Ivar arched a brow, addressing my mate as if he was speaking to a wayward child.

Ash shifted into a towering werewolf creature, splitting his clothes as he hovered over Ivar with a menacing snarl. He raised his claws as if to strike.

I tensed when the rings of steel echoed through the air, and the surrounding dragon riders pointed the tips of their swords at Ash.

Holy troll turds!

Blaze and Nikkos snapped open their wings, flames extending from their hands.

Do you want me to intervene? Shiri projected. I can access my siren now.

Wait, I answered.

Anger infused my skull. White magic poured from my fingertips, creating a fog around their feet. “Put those swords away, dragon riders,” I commanded. “Or I’ll turn them and your members into twigs and berries.”

I wondered if they’d heard about how I’d turned all the swords in Peloponese into floppy vines, because they instantly sheathed their swords. Some even crossed their hands over their groins, as if that would stop my magic.

Ash continued to snarl, his chest heaving while he hovered over Ivar. I knew it was taking all his willpower not to shred the dragon rider. I placed a hand on Ash’s side, knowing he wouldn’t hurt me, though he looked like a creature of nightmares.

You will have revenge, Ash, I promised, hating myself for denying him now. Just wait for the right time.

I looked over my shoulder at the dragons along the shore. Some of them had lost interest in Isa and were looking in our direction, smoke pouring from their flared nostrils. If Ash shredded Ivar, the dragons would retaliate, and I wasn’t sure Shiri and I had enough magic between us to stop a thousand dragons.

I narrowed my eyes at Ivar. “You will refer to my mate as Prince Lykaios.”

Ivar’s face flushed as he bowed low. “My apologies, Goddess.”

Goddess. Hmm. Interesting considering he had called me a whore just last week, but that was a minor insult compared to what he’d done to my mates’ kin.

Ivar blinked up at Ash. “My apologies, Prince Lykaios.”

Apologies for what? I projected to my mates.

Everything, Helian answered, his features as tense as a taut bow string.

Not enough. Ash snarled like a wounded animal, and he raised his claws as if to strike.

Peace, I reminded Ash, rubbing his furry side. Please.

A few dragons took to the sky, soaring so low, their draft displaced the air and blew my hair back.

“You led the attack against Lupine,” I said accusingly, waiting to see if Ivar would offer a better apology.

The color in Ivar’s cheeks deepened. “I did, and I regret my part in that.”

Ash threw back his head with a howl.

More dragons soared above us, the heat from their bodies warming the air.

Helian jutted a foot forward. “That’s it?”

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