Page 45 of Iron Rations

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“See? I told you!”

“Why would he win?” FNG asked. “Seriously, The Hulk is indestructible.”

“One, because he eats Funyuns. They’re like his source of power. Two, have you ever seen someone Fox couldn’t defeat? And three, it was the fastest way to end this discussion.”

FNG pointed at me with wide eyes. “You don’t believe he could!”

“I’m not doing this.”

“You just admitted The Hulk was stronger!”

“No, what I said was I didn’t want to discuss this.”

Rae came over and helped me with my tie, fashioning the small thing around my neck until it felt like a choker. I winced as she pulled it just a tad too tight. When she was done, I looked in the mirror. I thought I looked pretty damn good.

“You need gel in your hair.”

“What? I do not.”

“It’s a party. You can’t have it flying all over the place.”

She already had it in her hands and was slicking it through my hair, not even flinching at the deadly glare I shot her way. When I was done, I sighed. I hated wearing a tux.

“Don’t forget the shoes.”

I took them from her outstretched hands, wincing at the Argyle socks she gave me. “They don’t really match.”

“You’re quirky.”

“No, Fox is quirky. I’m just dangerous.”

“I wore them too,” Fox grinned, pulling up his pant leg. “I got red because…you know, murder and torture. I got you green to match your lady’s eyes.”

“Why did you get me blue?” FNG asked excitedly.

“Because you like to swim in the ocean.”

He frowned. “That’s not nearly as exciting.”

“So, the plan is?—”

“Wait,” I said, stopping Rae before she could go any further. “There’s no plan. This isn’t a mission. In fact, there’s really no reason for you to be there.”

“But…we got the tuxes,” Fox frowned, holding out one side of his jacket.

“Yeah, and I actually did my hair,” FNG added.

“You didn’t do your hair. You hardly have any hair to do,” I snapped. “And this is not about you. This is about?—”

“Your lady love,” Fox grinned. “The team is back together. Just me and The Termin-tator!”

“Termin-tator?” FNG asked. “Why not Termi-tator?”

“Because that’s not what I call him,” Fox bit out.

“Yeah, but the second T takes the place of the n in Terminator. Having the N and the T is pointless. It’s like…doubling up on letters just for the sake of doing it.”

“I’ve always called him that?—”

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