Page 25 of Iron Rations

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“And the island. You don’t care about getting Zavala off the island. You sent FNG in for a reason, and it failed. You want something that’s on the island. Or someone.”

“Yes, and that someone is Zavala.”

“No,” I shook my head. “Zavala is just a cartel leader. He hides on his island to stay untouchable, but there are plenty of ways you could take him out that don’t involve getting him off the island. Hell, you could have had FNG fly over the island and drop a bomb.”

“It’s a no-fly zone. He never would have made it,” Rafe retorted.

“Yes, but he could have dropped the bomb before he was killed. See, I’ve heard about you, Rafe. You’re willing to sacrifice anyone—even Libby—to get what you want. You’ll do anything to accomplish the mission. But you didn’t sacrifice FNG, which means you didn’t want to kill Zavala. At least, you didn’t want to bomb his precious island.”

He continued to stare at me, his eyes growing darker by the second. I hit on something big, but he wouldn’t actually tell me. He wouldn’t give up his plans like that.

“Her name is Raven.”

“Last name?”

“No last name,” he smirked. “That’s what she goes by. Good luck finding her.” He slid out of the booth and tossed down some money. “And Tate, if you ever threaten me or Libby again, I’ll make sure that not even Fox can recognize you.”

I gave him a two-finger salute as he walked out the door. It wasn’t a lot to go on, but it was enough to give to Rae. I knew she’d find what I needed.

“Are you sure about this?” Cash asked, looking at the map.

“Absolutely. He wouldn’t have met with me if he wasn’t hiding something from you.”

“Or Libby,” he sighed. “FNG flew over this island,” he pointed at the map. “And that’s where Zavala is staying.”

“I did some research. There’s no easy way in. He wants Zavala gone because when he leaves the island—which is rare—he takes a shit ton of his guards with him. The man is well-protected off the island.”

“What could this man be hiding that Rafe needs so badly?” Cash murmured.

“Or who.”

His eyes met mine in confusion.

“When I said he needed to get to someone on the island, Rafe didn’t correct me.”

“Maybe he didn’t want to. If you’re looking for someone, you might miss what’s really there.”

I shook my head. “I don’t think so. It’s a hunch, but my gut is telling me I’m right about this.”

The door opened and FNG walked in. When he saw me, his steps faltered. “Boss. You needed me?”

“Yeah. Come look at this map.”

FNG walked over, studying the map for only a few seconds before looking up at Cash. “You’re looking into Rafe?”

“More importantly, where he sent you. What can you tell me about the island?”

“Anything you want to know.”

“How do you get on it?”

“Not easily. It’s protected in all aspects. The water has a five-mile perimeter going around. If you break that barrier, they fire on you. Same in the skies.”

“You made it on the island,” I pointed out.

“Barely. And I failed in my task.”

“Which was?”

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