Page 24 of Iron Rations

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“Yeah? What makes you think so?”

“You have a secret.”

He didn’t move. His eyes didn’t even shift slightly as he stared at me.

“And that secret, if it got out, would ruin the plans you have moving forward.” Out of the corner of my eyes, I saw Libby’s brows pull down in a frown. She was curious. “Not even Libby knows.”

Rafe gave only the slightest hint that I was onto something. His jaw tensed, but only for a second. If I kept going, he would likely give away another piece of the puzzle. But I could also push too hard and ruin any chance of getting the information I needed.

“Rafe, what’s he talking about?”

“No idea,” he said, his eyes never leaving mine.

Yes, Rafe was definitely hiding something. There were only two people Rafe truly could rely on. One of them was Libby. She was always by his side, but she had an agenda too. And then there was Cash. His twin and the one man he would do anything to protect. When the chips were down, he could count on Cash to help him out. Not that he would ask.

I pushed out of my chair, holstering my weapon as I walked to the door. “You know where to find me,” I said in a low voice, keeping my words from Libby.

I walked out, letting the door close behind me. It wouldn’t take long for Rafe to come after me. He needed enough time to convince Libby he didn’t know what I was talking about. After that, he would find me. I didn’t know how he did these things, but the man had connections all over the world.

I headed to the bar across the street and took a seat in the back, keeping away from prying eyes. I ordered a beer and waited for him to arrive. It was only a half hour later that he strolled into the bar, heading right back to where I was seated. He slid into the booth, his face never betraying the anger I knew was simmering under a thinly veiled mask of indifference.

“What do you want?”

“Her name. Where I can find her.”

“For what?”

“So I can find her.”

His lips twitched slightly. “So you can stalk her like you did your ex-wife?”

“That wasn’t stalking. That was gathering intel for my divorce.”

“You were already divorced.”

“What’s your point?”

A glass of scotch was placed on the table and the bartender walked away. “Why are you so interested in this woman?”

“Do you really care?”

“Not in the least.”

I took another sip of my beer. “What did you tell Libby?”

“That I had no idea what you were talking about, but I was going to talk to you and find out your agenda.”


“I don’t care what your agenda is.”

“But you care about your secrets getting out,” I said pointedly.

“You don’t know anything,” he chuckled. “You took a shot in the dark and bet that I would fold. But it’s not gonna happen.”

“And yet, here you are. Which tells me that not only do you have a secret about what’s coming, but you really don’t want Libby or Cash to find out about it. You made a comment to Cash that’s been gnawing at me. You said you had a job coming up and you would tell Cash about it closer to the time. That’s what this is about.”


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