Page 97 of Blue Falcon

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“See what?”

“You know, how pitiful and pathetic you are.”


“Lay back.”


“Just do it. Oh, Wren!” he called out to her.

“Fox!” I hissed.

I heard the door open and glared at him one last time before flopping back on the bed. Wren walked out, staring at Fox warily.

“I’m in need of an assist,” Fox grinned. “Care to join me?”

“Doing what?”

“Brock is awfully weak. Perhaps you could help me out while I patch him up.”

I nearly rolled my eyes. Fox never needed assistance, and the last thing Wren needed was to get up close and personal with stitching up a body.

“I guess I can try.”

She walked over and knelt on the floor beside Fox, but he chuckled, grabbing her by the arm. “No, see, I need you on the other side. Holding his hand, preferably.”


“To keep him from punching me, of course.”

“Why would he punch you?”

Fox pulled out a needle and held it up in front of her. “Have you ever had something like this pulled through your skin?”

She visibly paled at the sight of the needle.

“Fox, this is really unnecessary.”

He shot me a scolding look. “I think I’ll determine what is necessary. And in this situation, I know what’s right. Now, please take a seat beside me.”

Wren did as he asked, taking my hand in hers. Fuck Fox for being right. I instantly calmed down with the feel of her hand in mine. Not that I would ever admit that to him. But her soft skin really did help soothe me.

But then I tensed when I remembered her parting words to me. You were what I needed at the time, but that’s over now. You can leave. I was fooling myself if I thought Wren would ever truly stick around. She was only here because I kidnapped her. The moment this was over, she would go back to her glamorous life and leave me behind.

“Now, the first thing we do is clean up the wound. Do you see this?”

I heard Wren gag. “Fox, knock it off.”

“Geez, I was just showing her how to clean you up for future reference.”

“She doesn’t need to know how to do it. Just get it done.”

“You know, this reminds me of a very good movie. Have you ever seen Top Hat?”

I gritted my teeth as he threaded the needle through my skin.

“In the main dance, the whole premise was that the main character was some kind of killer. I think we all know who would play him in modern times, am I right?” he said with a grin.

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