Page 69 of Blue Falcon

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She sighed, dropping her arms from around me. “It was worth a shot. Let me know if you figure something out.” She stood and walked away, leaving me alone with my thoughts.

I stood and paced. Then I sat back down and tapped my foot. When that didn’t help, I got back up and walked in circles around the room. No matter what I did, I couldn’t figure a way out of this. Hours passed, leaving me little time to come up with a solution. Either way I sliced it, this wouldn’t work out for someone.

The door opened and Edu walked in, followed by Scottie. They both looked perfectly rested, while I was still in the same clothes. I glanced outside and saw the sun was already coming up. What the hell?

“I see you got your beauty sleep,” Edu chuckled. “Planning out our route home?” When I didn’t respond to his teasing, he frowned at me. “You okay?”

“This all feels wrong.”

Scottie walked over to the table and snatched the bottle of water. “You mean leaving a woman behind who clearly is in danger? Or the part where we walk away knowing that it will destroy Brock?”

“It can’t destroy him,” Edu scoffed. “He barely knows the woman.”

“That didn’t stop me,” Scottie grinned, swallowing some of his water.

“That’s because you guys are allowing your dicks to lead you around.”

“Ah, yes,” Scottie chuckled. “The man who would never fall for a woman. The great Edu. The man singularly in charge of his dick who would never let something as trivial as love mess with his head.”

He shook his head at Scottie. “I’m not saying love isn’t an amazing thing. Sure, it’s good for some, but it clouds your judgment. Just look at this one,” he pointed at me.

“Me? How the hell has it clouded my judgment?”

“Because before you met Juliette, you never would have considered another man’s emotions when it came to a job. The only thing you worried about were your orders and making sure you carried them out. Am I right?”

I frowned, not liking where he was going with this. “I’m not sure that’s entirely true.”

“It totally is. Then you met Juliette. You fell for her—on the job—much like Brock, though I don’t really see what he sees in Wren. But I digress?—”

“You digress?” Scottie chortled.

“Yes, I digress. A woman strolled into both of your lives, and suddenly, you’re not so impenetrable. The men I trusted so much with my life over the years are now trying to find a way to help out their friend when they know they should be following orders.”

I looked at him strangely. “So, you’re not worried in the least that we’re basically leaving an innocent woman to the fate of whoever is after her?”

He walked over to the table and grabbed a water, tossing it at me. Without thinking, I opened it and started drinking.

“If I was worried about her, I would be right there with you, planning a way to break in and snatch the woman before she was really hurt. But the truth is, we have no proof that anyone is really after her. Her father confessed. Brock fucked everything up when he slept with her. It’s messed with his head. I say we move on and forget this job. It’s a fucking waste of time.”

“And you have no problem making Brock leave her behind?” Scottie asked.

“Not in the least. That woman is hardly worth sticking around for, and the sooner he sees that, the better.”

I nodded, but as my head bobbed, so did the rest of the room. My hand shot out, bracing on the counter as the room spun. What the fuck was that? I shook my head, closing my eyes to regain my balance. I needed some fucking sleep.

“Don’t you agree?” Edu asked.

I looked up at him, watching as his face distorted slightly and elongated, along with the rest of the room. “What the fuck is going on?”

He bent down in front of me, searching my eyes. “You okay, man? You don’t look so good.”

I pushed off my chair, stumbling as I shoved a hand out, grappling to hold onto anything possible. I tripped and fell to the floor, my arms and legs no longer working. My face was smooshed against the wood and I blinked, staring at the guys, trying to make my brain work.

It wasn’t long before Scottie hit the floor too, just inches from my face. Edu dropped to his knees, looking at me in concern.

“Are you okay?” his voice sounded strange—drawn out and deep.

I blinked, but my movements were slow and confused.

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