Page 54 of Blue Falcon

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“A…drunk driver,” I said slowly, rising to my feet.

“Yes. He’ll be in jail?—”

“Are you fucking kidding me?” I snapped. It crossed my mind as he stared at me in shock that I had never used that level of profanity in my life. What was happening to me?


I huffed out a laugh, unable to stop myself. “You dragged me from that event. You made me think someone was after me,” I said, stalking toward him. He backed up, looking at me like I had lost my mind. “I thought someone was trying to kill me. I panicked, and I never panic.”


But I didn’t let him finish his thought. “I went into a frickin’ meltdown over this! I was practically catatonic!”

“I know. I was there,” he said, looking at me warily.

“Because of a drunk driver?”

I was shouting now. I could hear the insanity in my voice as I unleashed my anger on him. But I couldn’t help myself. He had made me think the situation was dire, that I was about to die. And all this time, there was no real threat.

“Wren, that drunk driver could have been anyone.”

“But it wasn’t. You acted like I was in danger.”

“I took the threat seriously. That’s my job. If I don’t, people die.”

I knew there was a level of reason in what he was saying, but I was too mad to think about that. “You dragged me out of the gala. You made me think I was about to be murdered or kidnapped!”

“I never said?—”

“Get out,” I snapped.

“I really don’t think you should be alone right now.”

My nostrils flared as he spoke. If he didn’t leave right now, he might not make it out alive. And he must have seen that in my eyes because he turned on his heel and practically ran from the room.

I sank down on my bed as the door shut. Taking a deep breath, I straightened my back and centered myself. A hot bath would make everything right.



“Is she pissed?” Lock asked as I slammed the door behind me.

“Pissed?” I laughed, shaking my head slightly. “No, pissed would be an understatement. I thought she was going to grab my balls and yank them off.”

“The threat could have been real,” Lock sighed, pouring himself a drink.

“I know that and you know that, but try explaining that to the princess,” I grumbled, snatching the drink out of his hands before he could take a sip. I downed it in one swallow and handed it back to him.

“Sure, go ahead and drink my whiskey. I don’t mind.”

“Another,” I nodded.

He poured and handed it over, quirking an eyebrow at me. “You sure you should be drinking that much?”

I glared at him, making him back off instantly. “It’s two fucking drinks. I’m fine,” I said, handing the glass back to him after swallowing the contents.

“We did what we were supposed to do,” he reminded me. “If her father would let us tell her what’s going on, she wouldn’t be so fucking stubborn about this.”

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