Page 46 of Blue Falcon

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He smirked at me as he strode over to me, brushing his thumb across my lower lips. “You look good just fucked.”

I pursed my lips, entirely annoyed with him. “This isn’t funny. I have to go out there.”

“You look fantastic.”

“I look like a mess.”

He shrugged. “So, fix your lipstick.”

“And what about my hair?” I snapped. “You pulled all the pins out!”

“Because you look better with it down.”

“It’s not how I wear it.”

He bent over and picked something off the ground, twirling it on his finger. My eyes widened on my purple panties and I quickly tried to snatch them, but he shoved them in his pocket instead.

“I think I’ll hold onto these.”

“You can’t keep those! I need them.”

“They’re pretty much soaked. I can’t imagine that would be comfortable.”

“Soaked or not, I can’t go out there with nothing on!”

“I wouldn’t recommend going out there at all,” he smirked. “I’m pretty sure there’s a cum stain on your dress.”

My cheeks flamed in humiliation. Spinning away from him, I checked out every inch of my wrinkled dress, but came up empty—unless it was on the back side and I couldn’t see it.

His arms wrapped around me and he pulled me back against his broad chest. “Relax. There’s nothing on your dress. You look fucking amazing.” His hand pulled my long blonde hair to one side of my neck, leaving the other exposed to his lips. I almost let my eyes slip closed.

“No,” I said in the nick of time. “We can’t do this. I’m supposed to be out there.”

Sighing, he pulled a handkerchief from his pocket and handed it over, along with my purse. “Fine, if you want to be bored. Get cleaned up.”

I snatched it out of his hand, glaring at him angrily. Taking out my compact, I checked my makeup, knowing it was a useless cause. Lipstick was smeared everywhere. I started scrubbing as best I could and removed the worst of it, then covered it with powder. It was going to have to do. If anyone asked, I could always say I had an allergic reaction.

I snapped it closed and shoved it in my purse. “Stay here.”

“What?” he laughed.

“If we go out together, everyone’s going to know what we were doing.”

“Honey, they already know. You’re not exactly quiet.”

“I am too!”

“Why do you think I covered your mouth?”

Pursing my lips at him, I yanked the door open. “I really hate you.”



“Yeah, I know,” I said to Lock as I followed Wren back into the ballroom.

He stood there with that disapproving look that constantly marred his face. “She’s a client.”

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