Page 155 of Blue Falcon

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“Her old man came in,” he said, knowing that was all the answer I needed.

He convinced her to leave. She hadn’t even stayed until I woke up.

“Lock’s team is keeping an eye on her, just to make sure it’s really over.”

I nodded, closing my eyes. “She’s safe. That’s all that matters.”


“It’s fine. I need to sleep.”

“If you need anything?—”

“Yeah, I know,” I sighed. “I just want to sleep. You know, I was shot. It kind of takes it out of you,” I teased.

“Right. Well, I’ll be here if you need me.”

I heard him walk over to the chair and take a seat. I wasn’t sure why I expected her to still be here. She was never meant to be mine.

But she was alive, and I could go home now, knowing that she was safe and I had done my job.



“I found Bryce’s replacement. Granted, he’s not quite the winner I had hoped for, but he’ll do,” my father said, cutting into his salmon. “He’s worth about half, but at least he’s not trying to rob me blind.”

I took a sip of my wine, only half listening to my father. “Who’s not trying to rob you?”

He looked up at me, sending me an irritated look. “Samuel Fitz. The man you’re going to marry.”

“Sorry, what?”

Heaving a sigh, he set his fork and knife down. “Wren, pay attention. This is important. You’ve been walking around in a fog since the night of the engagement. Enough is enough.”

“You mean the night I was almost killed,” I said pointedly.

“That bodyguard protected you. You were never really in danger.”

I was about to take another sip of my wine when his words penetrated the fog I had been living in. “Never really in danger? If it weren’t for Brock stepping in front of me, those bullets might have hit me.”

“He was aiming at your bodyguard,” my father snapped. “He would have never hit you.”

“Because I was supposed to be kidnapped! By Bryce, the man you chose as my husband.”

“Don’t put this on me. It’s not my fault Bryce got greedy.”

I huffed in irritation. “No, you’re right about that. But maybe if I chose a man for qualities other than the size of his wallet, I might have a better chance of not being kidnapped!”

“You’re being dramatic. That could have happened to anyone.”

I picked up my napkin and wiped my mouth with it, then slammed it down on the table. “You’re right. It could have happened to anyone, but it happened to me. And it just so happens that I’m not okay with being targeted because of money.”

“That money pays for your fancy clothes and those manicures you love so much!”

“Then maybe I don’t want them,” I argued. “Maybe this isn’t the life I want.”

He leaned back in his chair and laughed. “You could never live without money. It isn’t in you.”

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