Page 153 of Blue Falcon

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“And you’re sitting on my bed.”

“Well, Cash has been taking up the only chair.”

I looked to the side and saw a pink cup waiting for me. I was desperate for some water. I felt like I’d been asleep for way too fucking long, and even though I only vaguely remembered what landed me in this bed, the pain in my chest was enough of a reminder.

“Water…” I croaked out.

“Oh, I’m good.”

“For me,” I snapped, then coughed, grimacing at the ache.

“Oh, right!” He hopped off the bed, shaking it just a little too much in his rush to get to the stand. He looked in the pink glass and frowned. “Um…I don’t think you want this water. It’s been sitting out.”

“I don’t care.”

He backed away with a chuckle. “Really, I’ll get you the fresh stuff.”



“What’s in the cup?”

He sighed, his head falling slightly. “Fanta.”

“Why is there Fanta in my cup?”

He looked like a kid being reprimanded. “Because I was thirsty.”

“Get me a new cup.”

His head popped up and he grinned, pointing his finger gun at me. “I’ll be right back.”

He rushed out of the room, stepping on the Funyuns as he passed. I rested my head back against the bed and was already drifting off, exhausted from just those few moments of being awake. However, Cash wasn’t going to let me sleep.

“It’s about time you woke up.”

I grunted in reply, not in the mood to talk.

“How are you feeling?”

“Like I got crushed,” I muttered.

“Yeah, that’ll happen. You took three bullets to the chest.”

I pried my eyes open and stared at him. “Three?”

“You should have moved,” he pointed out.

I grunted again.

“Of course, you were protecting Wren, so I guess that wasn’t an option.”


My eyes flew wide open as I struggled to sit up. Not that I got very far. I couldn’t have moved if I wanted to. My whole body felt like it was on fire. “Is she okay?”

“Thanks to you,” he nodded.

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