Page 48 of An Omega for Anders

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“She’s four weeks old today.” Archer kissed his daughter’s head.

Brett and I stared at the couple, our mouths gaping.

“So is Andri.”

“I hope you don’t mind me saying this or think I’m being too forward, but I think we’re destined to be best friends.” Sirius took his mate’s hand.

I almost blurted out, “Yes, I think so too,” but this had to be a joint decision between Brett and myself. And his beast hadn’t been around many unicorns, so if they didn’t get along, it was no.

“My unicorn is excited but a little wary.” My mate pulled a muslin cloth off his shoulder and fed our son.

“Mine too. Our kind are rare, not like wolves and bears. He doesn’t know how to be around someone like himself.

We agreed the two unicorn shifters would meet the following night, just the two of them, hoping they would bond. The two dogs wailed when we parted, but I got one of Choccie’s toys from the car and exchanged it for one of Cocoa’s. Both toys were infused with their puppy owner’s scent, so I hoped that would pacify Choccie until they met again.

We exchanged phone numbers and said our goodbyes.

At home, Choccie ran to her bed and fell asleep, resting her chin on Cocoa’s toy.

“What if the unicorns don’t like one another?” Brett nibbled his bottom lip and dragged his fingers through his already tousled hair. I’d never seen him so nervous.

“Maybe it will take time. Look how long it took your beast to be around my snow leopard and me.” It would be sad for the dogs if the two families couldn’t be friends.

The following evening, Archer, Sirius, and family came to our house. The babies were asleep, the puppies were in Choccie’s bed destroying a new toy, and my mate and Sirius left the house.

Archer and I sat in the kitchen and drank tea and more tea as we waited. I was surrounded by snow leopard shifters in Snowford, and while Brett had made friends in our community, it would be nice to know someone of his own kind.

“How long before they return? If they return?” Archer asked.

Maybe he thought the beasts would take off, not allowing their human side to take their skin.

A shimmering in the back garden had me up and moving closer to the window. I beckoned Archer to my side. Under a clear sky, the two unicorns stood in the back garden, bathed in the moonlight. While we didn’t have human neighbors on either side of us, I worried someone, not a shifter, would see them.

The two beasts pawed the ground before the men took their skin and raced into the house, their clothes remaining wherever they had shifted.

Dressed in our bathrobes, the pair joined us at the table.

Brett was bouncing up and down, his cheeks pink, his eyes blazing with excitement. He kissed me and kissed me again, and I wished we were alone so we could get naked.

“That was amazing. Who knew coming to Oakheart would change my life. A mate, a puppy, a baby, and now a unicorn friend.”

After Sirius and family left, promising to meet for dinner, Brett and I climbed into bed.

“What a contrast my life has been. Growing up, I never fit in, was teased and regarded as other, and now?—”

Taking him in my arms, I finished his sentence. “Now you are loved.”

Other books in this universe…

Aspen didn’t know you could accidentally become Alpha of a Den, but that’s exactly what he just did.

Alpha bear shifter Aspen was ready to begin his new life in the big city. He has a job lined up, a lease signed, and his truck packed. All he has left is to get there. Too bad that’s easier said than done, because his truck picked the middle of nowhere to break down—alongside a bear den’s land of all places. When Aspen seeks permission to spend the night, he plans to keep his head down and just mind his own business and he does, until he hears the scream that changes everything.

Omega bear shifter Lucian hates his den. No, that isn’t fair. It isn’t the den he hates as much as the leadership. When the Alpha he had most of his life died, he crossed his fingers the new one would bring their den into this century. He didn’t—the new Alpha is not only old-school, but also cruel. When rumors of an alpha bear seeking refuge until his truck is repaired reach him, Lucien forms a plan. If he can convince the shifter to take him when he leaves, he can escape this horrible life.

Sneaking out to find the new bear sounded like a great idea, until Lucian gets caught. His den Alpha is a strike first kind of guy, and strike he does. Lucien knows better than to scream, as it only makes the punishments worse, but scream he does, the pain too much to hold inside. A flurry of fur and teeth, a dead Alpha, and the scenting of his fated mate leaves the visiting shifter as their new Alpha.

So much for best laid plans.

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